Last published on 9 October 2023.
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The Busan Partnership agreement sets out principles, commitments and actions that offer a foundation for effective co-operation in support of international development.
The Busan Partnership agreement is a consensus that a wide range of governments and organisations have expressed their support for. It offers a framework for continued dialogue and efforts to enhance the effectiveness of development co-operation. The Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation was established as a direct result of the Busan Partnership agreement. The Global Partnership will help ensure accountability for implementation of Busan commitments at the political level. After a year-long process of inclusive consultations, the document was finalised during the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness. The Busan Partnership agreement received the supported of government, civil society, private sector and other actors attending the Forum.
Shared principles to achieve common goals
• Ownership of development priorities by developing counties: Countries should define the development model that they want to implement. • A focus on results: Having a sustainable impact should be the driving force behind investments and efforts in development policy making • Partnerships for development: Development depends on the participation of all actors, and recognises the diversity and complementarity of their functions. • Transparency and shared responsibility: Development co-operation must be transparent and accountable to all citizens
Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation
Countries and organisations present at HLF-4 have been listed as supporters of the Busan Partnership document, unless they indicated otherwise.
If you represent a government body, organisation, enterprise or international organisation and would like to join the Global Partnership please email
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