For almost twenty-five years, the OECD South East Europe Regional Programme (SEERP) has been providing the six Western Balkan economies with comprehensive policy analysis and advice to boost economic competitiveness. Using OECD methods, tools and standards, the SEERP has provided regular analytical assessments and policy recommendations in order to bolster the competitiveness in the region in close alignment with their EU agenda.
- Western Balkans Competitiveness Outlook. Since 2016, the flagship publication series Competitiveness Outlook provides a comprehensive assessment of economic reforms in the region across 15 policy dimensions. The assessment offers policymakers with a benchmarking tool, enabling them to develop better policies by providing an in-depth assessment of economic policies, compare performance against regional peers as well as OECD good practices, and to design policies based on rich evidence and actionable policy recommendations.
- Labour Migration in the Western Balkans: High levels of emigration from the Western Balkans create labour market distortions and skill shortages, hindering the region’s competitiveness. The SEERP, through a dedicated report on labour migration, has analysed the Western Balkans’ labour emigration patterns, investigated the root causes and explored potential consequences. The SEERP work offers insights into retaining and attracting new talent for enhanced competitiveness, by also leveraging the region’s large diaspora.
- Growth in the Western Balkans. The SEERP mapped the changes in the export structure of the Western Balkans and identified specific products and sectors which could enable the transition of industrial production from basic to complex products, while providing policy options to support this process. The Unleashing the Transformation Potential for Growth in the Western Balkans report detects the products that would most support the transformation of the manufacturing landscape in the Western Balkans, leading to industrial advancement, increased competitiveness and sustained economic growth.