Over the past decades, Italian authorities have attempted to adopt an integrated care model, but successful initiatives were scattered and limited to a few areas. As a result, building on the competences in this matter attributed by the Italian system of delegated power, each region adopted its own approach, further contributing to large differences and disparities across the country.
To tackle this fragmentation and being able to provide an integrated care approach, the Italian Parliament adopted the Decree n. 77 of 23 May 2022, and the National plan for non-self-sufficiency. The former defines the models and standards for the development of territorial assistance in the National Health Service. The latter defines for the first time the Essential Levels of Social Benefits (LEPS) and establishes that home care, relief and support services must be guaranteed for elderly people who are not self-sufficient or have limited independence. Other key measures related to dependency include Law no. 227/2021 “Government delegation of powers on disability”, Law no. 33/2023 “Government mandate on policies supporting the elderly,” and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan approved by the European Commission on 22 April 2021. This plan outlines six missions, two of which are relevant for improving the integration of social and health services: mission 5 (cohesion and inclusion) and mission 6 (health).
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