Improving education is the key to a better and fairer society. The OECD’s Directorate for Education and Skills supports governments to plan and manage their education systems and to implement policy reforms so that their citizens can develop the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values they need throughout life.
Under the auspice of the Education Policy Committee (EDPC), and drawing on the wealth of in-house data from large OECD educational surveys (PISA, TALIS, PIAAC), educational statistics, and analytical research, the OECD:
- Works in partnership with educational leaders and policymakers to stay current with policy challenges and opportunities facing governments today and in the future.
- Conducts national and comparative reviews of education and skills systems and help policymakers develop and implement policies to improve those systems.
- Supports the annual collection of strategic education data (EAG) and disseminates related policy advice and data to stakeholders around the world.
- Provides analytical research across all levels of educational systems – from early childhood, to schooling, to higher education and vocational training, to system-level policy challenges like the impact of the digital transformation and AI on educational policies.
- Supports the OECD Centre for Skills, which works with countries to improve the governance and the effective design of lifelong learning systems that are responsive to changing labour market needs.