Entrepreneurial ecosystems represent the sum of factors in a place that stimulate productive entrepreneurship. They involve the inter-related set of institutions (both formal and informal), infrastructures, organisations, policies, regulations that together define the conditions in which new businesses are created and grow. The success of entrepreneurial ecosystems in stimulating productive entrepreneurship activities is determined by a range of elements, such as a culture conducive to entrepreneurship, strong business networks, availability of finance and attractiveness to talent. Each entrepreneurial ecosystem differs, and the strengths and weaknesses vary. Diagnostic work is required to identify the enablers and hindrances in each ecosystem and to develop policy recommendations and action plans.
Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
Cultivating impactful entrepreneurial ecosystems.
What is the issue?
What are entrepreneurial ecosystems?
Entrepreneurial ecosystems are a set of entrepreneurial actors (both potential and existing), entrepreneurial organisations (e.g. firms, venture capitalists, business angels, banks), institutions (universities, public sector agencies, financial bodies) and entrepreneurial processes that come together and interact to create the conditions in which new businesses are created and grow. They include elements such as access to finance, talent, advice, and institutional conditions such as a culture conducive to entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial networks and leadership.
What can the OECD offer?
At national level, the OECD benchmarks entrepreneurial ecosystems on the key elements of the national ecosystem (finance, infrastructure, talent etc.) and the key outcomes (innovative start-ups, scale-up firms etc.). It also undertakes in-depth assessments of entrepreneurial ecosystem conditions and policies in specific countries.
At regional level, the OECD assesses the degree of persistence and change in regional entrepreneurship rates within countries and the drivers of improvements and declines in a region’s performance. It also undertakes case study assessments of specific regional entrepreneurial ecosystems.
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For further information, please contact Jonathan Potter
Jonathan Potter, Head of Unit
Pablo Shah, Policy Analyst