To help policymakers and practitioners better deliver for their communities, the OECD’s Transforming Places project focuses on understudied dimensions of local transformation.
For example, what types of local leadership are needed in response to different forms of shocks and transitions, and how can these capacities be built? What role can stakeholders such as civil society, social economy and the private sector play in place transformation, and how can a wider range of local assets, such as social capital, be leveraged in the process? How adaptable are local workers and firms to megatrends (e.g. green transition, technological change), and how will lessons from past transitions need to be adapted for the future of work?
In answering these questions, the project looks beyond traditional economic indicators as metrics of success, to zoom in on how to catalyse transformation that delivers a high quality of life for a broader range of residents. In addition to the research activities, the project offers opportunities for international peer exchange and learning, such as study tours and seminars.