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Even with an Olympic event lined up, improving water quality is not that straightforward

With the French President and the Mayor of Paris looking to take a dive in the river Seine soon, water quality is hot news in France in the run-up to the Olympics. The burning question is will the river be clean enough for hosting the world’s Olympic athletes? Although making the Seine swimmable in Paris has been a target for decades, the suspense is still on. Following peak rain showers, high levels of E. coli bacteria are often recorded, which could make swimming a health hazard.


Water pollution is a global issue, affecting high- and low-income countries alike. Despite significant investment in wastewater treatment, quality of freshwater resources is set to worsen in many countries due to a growing population, more and new pollutants, and global warming. The quality of our precious groundwater reserves is also often severely degraded, rendering those reserves unusable.

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