The OECD manages several databases dedicated to international migration: The OECD International Migration Database provides recent annual series on migration flows and stocks of foreign-born or foreigners in OECD countries as well as on acquisitions of nationality. Our Database on Immigrants in OECD Countries provides comprehensive and comparative information on a broad range of demographic and labour market characteristics of immigrants. Lastly, our Indicators of Immigrants Integration provides a set of indicators of immigrant integration in the fields of employment, education and skills, social inclusion, civic engagement and social cohesion at the national or at the local level.
OECD Databases on Migration
The OECD manages several databases dedicated to international migration that look at flows and stocks of foreign-born or foreigners in OECD countries, demographic and labour market characteristics of immigrants, as well as indicators of immigrant integration in the fields of employment, education and skills, social inclusion, civic engagement and social cohesion at the national or at the local level.