This indicator presents data on the number of consultations patients have with doctors in a given year. Consultations with doctors can take place in doctors’ offices or clinics, in hospital outpatient departments or, in some cases, in patients’ own homes. Consultations with doctors refer to the number of contacts with physicians, both generalists and specialists. There are variations across countries in the coverage of different types of consultations, notably in outpatient departments of hospitals. The data come from administrative sources or surveys, depending on the country. This indicator is measured per capita.
Doctors' consultations
This indicator presents data on the number of consultations patients have with doctors in a given year.
Related data
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IndicatorHealth spending is the final consumption of health care goods and services including personal health care and collective services.
IndicatorOverweight or obese population is the share of the population with excessive weight presenting health risks because of the high proportion of body fat.
IndicatorLife expectancy at 65 years old is the average number of years that a person at that age can be expected to live, assuming that age-specific mortality levels remain constant.
IndicatorLife expectancy at birth is the average lifespan a newborn can be expected to live, assuming that age-specific mortality levels remain constant.
IndicatorInfant mortality rate is the number of deaths of children under one year of age.