Increasing productivity growth is key to raising living standards and to offsetting the large negative effect of demographics and a shrinking labour force. This will require: enhancing competition in markets that are still protected, such as professional services and local public services; raising innovation and business dynamics, including through targeted incentives connected to the Industry 4.0 plan; removing obstacles hampering the growth of SMEs; and enhancing the efficiency of public administration by raising accountability and transparency and pursuing the digitalisation of the public sector.
A credible medium-term plan to reduce the debt-to-GDP ratio will improve fiscal credibility and help contain the risk premium on government debt. Without sustainable fiscal policy, the room to enhance infrastructure, help the poor and deliver the public services people expect will inevitably narrow. Designing budgets within the EU Growth and Stability Pact, which should be implemented in a pragmatic way, would help to strengthen fiscal credibility by providing an anchor to fiscal policy. If fiscal credibility can be improved rapidly, a falling risk premium on government debt would accelerate the reduction of the debt ratio.
Public spending needs to become more efficient and better targeted with a fairer tax system. Designing thorough spending reviews during the preparation of the yearly budget and effectively implementing them would promote priority-setting and spending re-allocation, contributing to free up resources for effective public programmes and public investment. Improving voluntary tax compliance and vigorously fighting tax evasion are key for tax revenues and allow for a reduction in tax rates, making the tax system fairer.
The health of the banking system has improved but challenges remain. The government strategy to deal with insolvent banks through a mix of resolutions, recapitalisations and acquisitions has yielded fruit. Banks’ capital ratios are above minimum requirements. The stock of nonperforming loans in banks’ balance sheets has fallen markedly over the last two years and profitability has returned, though it remains low. The banking sector is undergoing a rationalisation and consolidation process, but the reform to cooperative banks is still to be fully implemented. The health of the banking sector is closely linked with public finance and its effects on government bond yields. Lower government bond yields would help to safeguard the stability of the banking sector.