The economy is projected to contract by 14.4% in 2020 in a scenario with a second virus outbreak later in the year, and by 11.1% in a scenario assuming that the pandemic subsides by the summer. The subsequent recovery in 2021 will be slower in the former case, at 5%, compared to the rebound of 7.5% in the single-hit scenario, given more persistent effects on labour markets and the financial situation of firms and households. In both scenarios, the fall in domestic demand, due to job destruction and the shutdown of activity, is the key driver of the contraction. The drop in external demand, especially in tourism services, will also weigh very strongly on the economy in 2020.
The government has taken significant measures to support employment and provide liquidity to the economy. The expansion of hospital and testing capacities and the rapid identification of infected people will be crucial to prevent further outbreaks. As the recovery commences, the use of short‑time work schemes will need to become well‑targeted and gradually replaced with labour market policies to help firms and workers in sectors with persistent negative effects shift into activities with better medium‑term prospects. Liquidity support should also be targeted to solvent firms with cash‑flow problems, especially in sectors where the end of the shutdown is delayed.