The focus of this study is two-fold; the first objective is to provide open, reliable and comparable data and analysis on the scope, scale and diversity of domestic philanthropic flows in Colombia. Colombia is estimated to receive close to USD 34.5 million annually from international foundations, but these figures do not consider funding from domestic foundations. Yet Colombia has a long-standing tradition of private philanthropy, which has become more organised over the past decade. The second objective is to provide an in-depth focus on domestic philanthropy’s support to gender equality, given that only a small proportion (less than 1%) of global philanthropic flows in developing countries directly addressed women’s needs like preventing violence or supporting women’s rights organisations (OECD, 2018[2]). Colombia has made important advances towards gender equality in recent years, and yet persistent challenges remain for women. These include the burden of providing unpaid care, gender-based violence and access to justice – all of which are experienced more severely by women in rural areas than by those in urban areas.