In 2021, Norway has launched a new Action Plan to increase the proportion of green public procurement and green innovation for the period 2021 – 2030, and the Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management (DFØ) is responsible for the follow-up and updating of the action plan. A revision and update of the action plan is scheduled in 2024 and 2027.
The Action Plan aims at leveraging the role of public procurement to achieve 3 key objectives: minimise the public sector’s harmful environmental impacts, promote climate-friendly solutions and foster the transition to a circular economy, and steer the national and global supply chain towards greener production systems. Moreover, the Plan identifies a series of key actions for public procurement.
1. A requirement for all contracting authorities to promote solutions for zero or low-emissions and circular economy, as well as to avoid the use of chemicals that are hazardous to human health and the environments for certain priority categories: transport, construction, building and property, food and catering services, plastic products, ICT/electrical and electronic equipment, batteries, furniture and textile;
2. A green competence programme to boost capacity for GPP during 2021 - 2030;
3. Better access to statistics and data on green and innovative public procurement;
4. Definition of GPP targets for the transport, building and food sectors;
5. Increased collaboration across contracting authorities to develop and support the adoption of circular solutions in public procurement;
6. Research workstream on climate and environmentally friendly procurement;
7. DFØ to monitor GPP compliance, develop effective measures to improve implementation, and provide guidance on available financial support schemes to cover additional costs, manage risks and build capacity.
GPP is also mentioned in other national-level policies and strategies to promote reductions of emissions and the green transition, including the National Climate Plan and the Norwegian strategy for a green, circular economy.