In addition to the Public Procurement Act (2015) the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted a Decree on GPP in 2012, with the aim of reducing emissions and making the public sector a role model for society and the private sector. The GPP Decree was revised in 2018 (Uradni list RS, št. 51/17 z dne 19. 9. 2017) in order to promote markets for green products and support the country’s transition to a circular economy. The last update of the GPP Decree was in 2021 (Uradni list RS, št. 121/2021 from 23. 7. 2021) with the additional two green subjects. In particular, the GPP Decree provides for the obligation of contracting authorities to integrate environmental considerations for different procurement categories (e.g. products, services, and works).
Several line ministries (e.g. Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Infrastructure) are involved in the preparation and amendments of the GPP Decree. In addition, the Decree is often recognised and mentioned in the preparation of other environmental policies and strategies. For example, GPP implementation and support is a measure in the National Energy and Climate Plan (Nacionalni energetski in podnebni načrt), which emphasises the potential of public procurement to contribute to the country’s climate neutrality goal.