Using results information to learn is vital for improving development effectiveness and maximising the impact of development co-operation programmes, even more so in times of instability. Fostering learning is needed both within and between organisations.
Strategic learning allows governments and development organisations to realign their objectives, structures and processes to ensure the more effective pursuit of overarching goals and expected outcomes.
Operational learning connects learning and adapting and enables the adjustment and refinement of ongoing and future interventions to ensure more effective performance against expected results.
Mutual learning among partners at country and sub-national levels fosters broad-based ownership, supports locally led problem solving and ensures sustainability. (MfSDR Guiding Principle 3, third key element (OECD, 2019[1])).
Learning from results information and other sources of information requires an integrated approach to collecting, assessing, sharing and using information and knowledge, accompanied by supportive organisational cultures and practices, appropriate systems and processes, and adequate tools, resources and networks (Figure 6.2).