Programme and project results frameworks are the main instruments for guiding implementation at country level. They need to rely on best practice in results framework design. They also need to ensure that all efforts within the organisation or government contribute to their strategic objectives, ensuring consistency across different organisational levels, sectors and initiatives.
Beyond this internal alignment, results frameworks can be used as anchors for more joined-up approaches across development stakeholders at country level. In aligning to countries’ overarching results frameworks, harmonisation and co-ordination of development efforts can be fostered, efficient synergies built, consistent approaches maintained and costly overlaps between development interventions avoided.
Flexible, agile organisations can more easily adapt to different contexts, partnerships and evolving situations. This requires allowing for the possibility to tailor results frameworks to each context. It also requires that the underlying logic and results framework(s) can be adapted during implementation to manage evolving situations, while keeping the focus on outcomes rather than activities or outputs.
Figure 4.1 illustrates the balance needed in crafting effective results frameworks for programmes and projects. They must be well-designed and relevant to the development challenge in question, aligned with higher-level frameworks and partners’ frameworks (vertical and horizontal coherence), and adaptable, with a focus on outcomes and impact. Striving for the progressive harmonisation of results frameworks used by governments and international partners is crucial to reconciling these often-competing requirements in the medium term.
This chapter provides advice and options to assess and integrate the various needs in a practical manner.