The core focus of Korea’s dual strategic approach to digital transformation is on enabling policy and whole of government engagement, drawing on Korea’s comparative advantage. To complement this upstream focus, the strategy stresses mainstreaming the use of digital technology throughout all projects to increase efficiency and achieve better results.
The Digital Transition Programme is dedicated to enabling the digital transformation of partner countries. It continues Korea’s long-standing support of e-government projects in partner countries capitalising on its own experience and knowledge. For example, the OECD Digital Government Index demonstrated the extent to which Korea has advanced in e-government, with estimates on funding for digital-related projects, based on the OECD Creditor Reporting System, showing that Korea allocates a high share of its bilateral funding to digitalisation.
KOICA’s Digital Mainstreaming Strategy aims to include a digital component across all sectors of activity to maximise project impact due to the universal nature of digital technology. It defines the guiding principles, actions and goals for incorporating digital technology into the mid-term sectoral strategies for education, health, public governance, rural development and STI.
Korea’s strategy highlights four pillars for official development assistance (ODA) to support the digital transformation of partner countries:
1. Digital Government: reinforcing effectiveness, efficiency, transparency, and accountability
2. Digital Accessibility: supporting digital Social Overhead Capital (i.e. public infrastructure, communications and utilities) and literacy
3. Digital Economy: supporting digital industry and an enabling environment
4. Digital Safety: protecting privacy and security in digital society.
The strategy also includes the following guiding principles:
User-friendly design to drive usage
Inclusive approach for the marginalised
Transparent and open systems
Future scalability and interoperability
Data-driven decision making