The main objective of the Government at a Glance series is to provide reliable, internationally comparable data on government activities and their results. The indicators in Government at a Glance are becoming themselves a measuring standard in many fields of public governance and have extended beyond the OECD to cover countries in Latin America and Caribbean and Southeast Asia. The Government at a Glance: Latin America and the Caribbean is the result of the sustained cooperation between the OECD and the IDB. This third edition provides time series for a core set of indicators that have been published in the previous two editions, and expands to new topics and areas, as well as new countries. Beyond tracking the evolution of LAC countries over time, the publication allows them to compare their governments’ performance within the region and to the OECD.
Government at a Glance: Latin America and the Caribbean 2020 recognises that governments are major actors in modern societies. Every citizen throughout his or her life interacts with governments from the issuance of a birth certificates to the provision of health, education and social benefits. Furthermore, as societies reach higher development levels, expectations of quality public services tend to increase, while their objectives become more complex. . Good governance is critical to long-term economic, social and environmental development. The ability of governments to operate effectively and efficiently depends in part on their management policies and practices. For instance, open government is key to guarantee that the adequate channels are in place to ensure citizens’ participation and engagement in policy making and service delivery. At the same time, it permits public scrutiny, which is crucial for greater integrity and accountability of government authorities, managers, and other government officials. In turn, public procurement is conducive to an efficient use of public resources but, in addition, could be used to support secondary policy objectives (e.g. support to environmental objectives or women owned enterprises). This publication provides insight into these fields of public governance, among others.