Formally established in 2014, the Nuevo León Council for Strategic Planning is an advisory body of the state executive for strategic planning and its evaluation. It aims to promote the sustainable development of Nuevo León through the implementation of the Strategic Plan for the State of Nuevo León 2015-2030. According to the Strategic Planning Law, the council is responsible for elaborating the Plan as well as for monitoring and evaluating the Plan’s implementation. The council also seeks to foster stakeholder engagement, as its members are representatives of the public and private sectors, academia and civil society.
The council is part of a broader planning system in Nuevo León. It includes the centre of government of Nuevo León’s state public administration, composed of the Head of the Executive, the Executive Office of the Governor and the Secretariat of Finance and General Treasury. The CoG plays a central role in the whole-of-government planning system. In particular, the Executive Office of the Governor (EOG) is responsible for conducting strategic planning activities and ensuring their execution and compliance. According to the Strategic Planning Law (Article 18) and its Guidelines (Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 Section 5), the council and the CoG’s responsibilities are complementary. However, in practice, the council has progressively expanded its actions to policy formulation, design and implementation. On the other hand, there are insufficient resources and mechanisms within the CoG dedicated to coordinating and monitoring the Plan’s objectives and projects.
This situation has resulted in political tensions between the state public administration and the council, and the latter losing focus of its main role of long-term planning. To strengthen the monitoring and evaluation system in Nuevo León, the Government could:
Clarify the respective responsibilities on strategic planning of the council and of the centre of government. In particular:
The CoG should have a clear mandate to coordinate the implementation and monitoring activities of the Strategic Plan and of the State Development Plan. The CoG should be given the responsibilities and resources to ensure effective whole-of-government coordination, to carry out objective setting and prioritisation exercises, monitor policy priorities and conduct strategic internal and external communication. This can be done, in the short term, through revising the Internal Guidelines of the Executive Office of the Governor.
The council should strengthen its role as an advisory body and strategic knowledge broker, moving it away from implementation and monitoring. This requires building technical capacities in the council to provide objective and timely policy advice to the government in key priority areas and the selection of a limited number of policy priorities that require the concerted action of the state government, civil society and the private sector, for which the council would prepare focused evaluations with clear recommendations.
The council should pursue efforts to implement a coherent strategy for strategic planning and evaluation, drawing on the respective strengths of the council, the Executive Office of the Governor and of the Ministry of Finance. Overall, the new apparatus requires a conceptual framework on monitoring and evaluation for the government, the inclusion of specific capacities and provisions to monitor and evaluate the Plans and a clarification of the function of the council in terms of planning, policy advice and evaluation, including a modification of the currently existing regulatory framework.