The OECD Secretariat wishes to express its gratitude and acknowledge all the institutions and individuals that have contributed to these Guidelines. This document was prepared by the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV) under the leadership of Elsa Pilichowski. It was drafted under the strategic direction of Alessandro Bellantoni, Head of the Open Government and Civic Space Unit and Claudia Chwalisz, Innovative Citizen Participation Lead. The Guidelines were written by Ieva Česnulaitytė and Mauricio Mejía. José Sánchez Ruiz provided support throughout the drafting process. Alessandro Bellantoni, Claudia Chwalisz, and David Goessmann provided strategic comments throughout the document.
The Guidelines benefited from feedback provided by delegates to the OECD Public Governance Committee, the OECD Working Party on Open Government, and members of the Innovative Citizen Participation Network (ICPN), and the OECD Network on Open and Innovative Government in Latin America and the Caribbean:
Jérôme Bétrancourt (Nos vies, nos avis, New Caledonia), Marta Crespo (Government of Spain), Ninoschka Dante (Government of Uruguay), Tania Da Rosa (Government of Uruguay), Marjan Ehsassi (Johns Hopkins University, United States), Jayne Foster (Government of New Zealand), Priscilla Haueisen Ruas (Government of Brazil), José Hernández (InfoCDMX, Mexico), Katju Holkeri (Government of Finland), Matina Lekka (Government of Greece), Victoria Lozano Muñoz (Government of Spain), Otavio Morerira de Castro Neves (Government of Brazil), Paul Natorp (Sager der Samler, Denmark), Emma Obermair (People Powered, United States), Anastasios Papazarifis (Government of Greece), Jana Tichackova (Government of Czech Republic), Nicolas Valencia Sierra (Government of Colombia), Fabiola Vidal (Government of Chile), Constanza Velásquez (Government of Chile).
In addition, the drafting team would like to thank those OECD colleagues that provided comments, namely: Alessandro Bozzini, Emma Cantera, Claire McEvoy, Bruno Monteiro, Carla Musi, Chiara Varazzani, Michaela Sullivan-Paul, and Joshua Yeremiyew for the administrative support. Lastly, we would like to acknowledge the colleagues that reviewed this publication as part of the Editorial Board process: Gillian Dorner, Edwin Lau, and Gregor Virant.