Economic integration in West Africa is a major political objective for all the States in the region and is supported by the main economic players in the region. The weight of Nigeria -- which accounts for 50% of the regional economy -- the many constraints to formal trade, linguistic barriers, these all raise as many hopes as fears among the economic players in neighbouring countries with respect to their future relations with this powerful neighbour.
Prospects for Trade between Nigeria and its Neighbours, a study undertaken by the Laboratoire d’Analyse Regional et d’Expertise Sociale (LARES) in Cotonou, commissioned by the Club du Sahel, examines the issues. It describes the still largely informal trade in the region, analysing constraints to its growth and some possible future developments.
Presented as a series of concise, well documented "fact sheets", this study will be of interest to those in both public and private spheres who believe that regional trade development is a necessary response to globalisation. Prospects for Trade between Nigeria and its Neighbours has formed the basis of a workshop organised by the Club du Sahel and the West African Enterprise Network for English and French entrepreneurs in December 2000 in Cotonou, Benin.