The skills forecasting framework in Flanders operates on three distinct levels, each with its own structure and financing arrangements.
At the macro level, the Government of Flanders has commissioned an integrated labour market projection model. This is currently under development by the Centre of Expertise on Labour Market Monitoring (KU Leuven) for implementation by 2026. The model will leverage both quantitative research (data-driven projection models) and qualitative information (e.g. an employer survey and expert group) to deliver important insights into skills requirements in Flanders.
At the meso level, Strategic Skills Forecast (‘SCOPE’) studies are a highly useful tool for mapping changes in jobs and skills and forming flexible partnerships to respond to these changes. SCOPE studies are funded by ESF+, and carried out for a sector, cluster, value chain, specific challenge, region, or innovation. Studies are conducted by a broad partnership of stakeholders, including innovation actors (spearhead clusters, innovative business networks, knowledge institutions), actors in the field of work (the sector federation, sector funds or social funds and companies) and the field of education and training (higher education, universities, VET, PES, etc.). All projects must devote attention to the advance of new technologies, digitalisation, and the transition to a circular and carbon-neutral economy. SCOPE studies are conducted using a designated methodology (‘VLAMT’) and are concluded with an action plan which commits partners to a number of strategies to tackle the identified skills needs.
At the business level, skills forecasts aim to support companies in addressing the skills challenge. Through ‘Competence Checks’ projects supported by ESF+, SMEs can receive tailored support to build on the SCOPE studies, for example, assistance to map out knowledge and skills and test these against the requirements of the labour market. Under these arrangements, partnerships of sectors have been appointed as service providers to guide SMEs. The projects began on 1 January 2023 and will run until the end of December 2024.