The Circular Economy in Valladolid, Spain
Annex B. Evaluation criteria applied to select the winning-award projects in 2019
Evaluation criteria |
Maximum score |
1. Promotion of employment
20 |
2. Economic and social aspects
12 |
3. Technical and/or methodological quality
9 |
4. Environmental sustainability
16 |
5. Eco-innovation
8 |
6. Eco-design
12 |
7. Quantitative/qualitative scope of impact
7 |
8. Diversification of supports
8 |
9. Priority products
5 |
Note: In case of a tie in the global scores, priority would be given to the score obtained in section 1 of the evaluation criteria (Employment Promotion). If the tie persists, the score obtained in section 4 of the evaluation criteria would be prioritised (Environmental Relevance). If the tie still continues, the entry date of the application in the register (considering the date and time), would be taken into account.
Source: Valladolid Municipality (2019), Convocatoria pública de concesión de subvenciones para proyectos de fomento de economía circular y ecoinnovación y ecodiseño en el municipio de Valladolid en el Año 2019.