This booklet was written by Anne‑Sophie Senner and Karolin Krause (both Consultants to the OECD), together with Elisabeth Kamm (OECD) under the co‑ordination of Thomas Liebig from the OECD’s International Migration Division. The OECD Secretariat developed this booklet with financial support from Stiftung Mercator (Germany) through the Maecenata Foundation. It also benefitted from seed money for the series “Making Integration Work” through grants from Germany (the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth), Norway (the Ministry of Education and Research), Sweden (the Ministry of Employment) and the King Baudouin Foundation (Belgium). This work would not have been possible without the support of the delegates to the OECD’s Working Party on Migration and the national authorities in charge of integration and youth policies, who willingly shared their knowledge of national policy frameworks and programmes.
Young People with Migrant Parents
Making Integration Work