For the majority of older people, the costs of long-term care services are unaffordable in the absence of public support. This is precisely why some form of public support is necessary to ensure the financial accessibility of LTC services.
Social protection for older people with LTC needs
As populations around the world age, demand for long-term care (LTC) is likely to increase, making it difficult for governments to balance financial sustainability with the need to provide effective protection against the financial risks associated with LTC needs. The OECD framework for comparing social protection for LTC across countries makes it possible to estimate the financial costs that older people face, and the protection they receive, in different scenarios of LTC needs, and for any level of income and wealth. On October 29, 2024, the OECD published a report titled "Is care Affordable for Older People?" that comprehensively explores public support for long-term care across OECD countries.