The availability, cost and quality of care services have a wide-ranging impact on society. Across the OECD, the cost of long-term care services represents about 70% of an older person’s income while childcare costs account for 10% of family income. What are areas where competition authorities can advocate for pro-competitive regulation and policies to help ensure that people have access to good quality and affordable care service?
In December 2024, the OECD will hold a discussion on Competition and regulation in the care industry to explore how competition can drive quality and market outcomes while addressing market failures, equity concerns and regulatory challenges within the industry and explore the role competition authorities can play. Key questions under discussion will include:
- What are the economic characteristics of demand and supply in the care industry, what are the primary market failures in the care industry?
- What is the impact of regulation on market outcomes?
- How can competition authorities contribute through their advocacy activities to improve quality and supply of care services?