The Office of Government Procurement, the central purchasing body of Ireland, established the SME Advisory Group and facilitates its quarterly meetings. It is a standing group chaired by a Minister of State at the Department of Finance and Public Expenditure and Reform to discuss procurement policy and initiative design to assist SMEs, so that the voice of Irish SMEs can be heard at the highest level. The Office of Government Procurement engages with industry representatives and civil societies, including the Irish Small and Medium Enterprises Association (ISME), Irish Business and Employers Confederation (IBEC), Small Firms Association (SFA), Construction Industry Federation (CIF) and Chambers Ireland through the SME Advisory Group to exchange views and identify policy initiatives. Other business-focused public bodies that attend these meeting would include the Competition and Consumer Protection Agency; Enterprise Ireland; Inter-trade Ireland; and the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation.
The Office of Government Procurement holds an annual conference that covers all of the latest policy developments relevant to suppliers. Furthermore, the Office of Government Procurement, Enterprise Ireland and Inter-trade Ireland regularly hold “meet the buyers” events designed to encourage SME participation and to increase knowledge of policy in the area.