During the process of implementing the European directives (2014/14/EU) by amending the Dutch Public Procurement Act (Aanbestedingswet 2012) in 2016, there was consultation with the branch organisation of SMEs (MKB Nederland ). Furthermore, all SMEs had the opportunity to comment on the Act through Internet consultation. SMEs were also involved during evaluation of the Dutch Public Procurement Act in 2015: they were asked about their experiences with the Act. As a result of this evaluation it was concluded that the problems were mainly due to the practical application of the Act, and not the act itself. To overcome these practical problems, the project Better Public Procurement (Beter Aanbesteden) was launched in 2016 by the Dutch Government. In this project, SMEs work together with contracting authorities across different regions to identify constraints and develop concrete actions to improve the practice of public procurement. The constraints and actions are also discussed at a national level, and different branch organisations of SMEs are also consulted in these discussions.
Moreover, PIANOo, the Dutch Public Procurement Expertise Centre, encourages contracting authorities to take measures to improve the participation of SMEs in the tender procedure. Examples of these measures are, among others:
organising local meetings with representatives of SMEs on a regular basis
providing SMEs with detailed information about the procurement process
discussing the criteria of the tender before the procurement process
making SMEs aware of the possibility of creating a combination or consortium in tenders
considering direct payment to subcontractors.