To promote the use of public procurement for innovation, the National Programme for Supplier Development was established in 2010. The programme’s role is to help public purchasers engage with the market about their need to plan and prepare procurement processes, and to mobilise suppliers to participate in these. Experience shows that early market engagement is a good arena for SMEs to position themselves to compete for public contracts. The programme is co-owned by Difi (the Agency for Public Management and eGovernment), the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO) and the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities, representing both the contracting authorities and the suppliers. More than 120 procurement projects have been carried out and systematically evaluated. The projects have brought about several new solutions, savings and socio-economic impacts. The lessons learned from these projects are communicated by the programme and Difi.
In addition, several workshops and seminars on how to facilitate increased SME participation in public procurements were organised to provide guidance to contracting authorities. Difi, through its department for public procurement and its Governmental Procurement Centre, also provides guidance to SMEs on how to participate in public procurement processes and how to bid on line. It has moreover launched sector-specific workshops on “balanced procurement”, where procurers and suppliers (including SMEs) work together for better procurement processes.