When first launched, the OECD Inventory of Support Measures for Fossil Fuels was organised following the OECD’s Producer Support Estimate1 – Consumer Support Estimate2 (PSE-CSE) framework. Under this framework, measures providing benefits to fossil-fuel producers are classified under PSE, while those that provide benefits to individual fossil-fuel consumers fall under CSE. A third category, the General Services Support Estimate3 (GSSE), is assigned to measures that do not increase production or consumption of fossil fuels at present but may do so in the future.
The PSE-CSE classification framework is broad enough and does not allow further disaggregation of beneficiaries by economic sector. It can isolate which measures benefit the upstream or midstream fossil-fuel sectors. However, it is difficult to isolate and pinpoint in greater detail the final end-user economic sectors (e.g. industrial, transport, residential, commercial, agriculture, fisheries, etc.) targeted by fossil-fuel measures. Identifying and quantifying the benefit received by each economic sector in fossil-fuel support is key to evaluate the distributional impacts of proposed fossil-fuel reforms. It is also needed to evaluate whether a targeted support programme is efficient in reaching its intended beneficiaries.
The OECD recently further improved disaggregation of beneficiaries by economic sectors to better identify the end-user economic sectors that benefit from government fossil-fuel support. To that end, it introduced sector tagging mechanisms for each support measure in the database.