Monitoring and evaluation are an essential component of evidenced-based public policies, including on financial literacy. They are necessary elements of the proposed Strategy, to assess the impact and effectiveness of the initiatives that contribute to the Strategy’s implementation and of the overall national strategy (OECD, 2022[31]; 2020[4]). The data collected through these processes are also essential from an accountability perspective, to provide evidence to improve financial literacy policies and contribute to their sustainability in the long term.
It is proposed that the Strategy includes monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to track its overall impact and how the objectives of the Strategy have been addressed by stakeholders in the implementation of their financial literacy initiatives. A comprehensive evaluation approach which is embedded into the Strategy is more likely to deliver good results and to provide guidance to relevant stakeholders (OECD, 2022[31]).
Monitoring and evaluation of the National Strategy can take place through monitoring and evaluating its annual action plans, which would identify the projects to be undertaken during the year and explain how these will address the priority areas identified by the Strategy.