In 2015-17, the agricultural policies of the 51 countries covered in this report provided a total of USD 620 billion (EUR 556 billion) a year on average to their agricultural sectors. Around 78% of this, USD 484 billion (EUR 434 billion) a year, was transferred to individual producers, representing around 15% of gross farm receipts. This report considers recent policy developments across these 51 developed, emerging and developing economies.
Future growth in demand for diverse and high-quality food offers significant opportunities for agriculture. However, the sector faces a number of challenges in meeting future demand sustainably. These include increasing productivity growth, which in many economies is well below potential, enhancing the environmental performance of the sector, including in the context of a changing climate, and improving the resilience of farm households to weather, market and other ‘shocks’ that cannot always be anticipated.
Most agricultural policies in place today are not well-aligned with these objectives, although a few countries have long provided support in such a targeted manner and a number of others are moving in this direction. Lower levels of support and a shift towards less distorting and, in some cases, better targeted measures have reduced the trade-distorting effects of current policies. This in many cases has reduced the overall negative trade impacts of agricultural policies even beyond the reductions in support levels. However, progress within many countries remains partial, is not shared across all countries, and in some countries reliance on production and trade distorting measures is even increasing. In 2015-17, almost two-thirds of producer support across the 51 countries covered continued to be provided via measures that distort farm business decisions particularly strongly.
It is imperative that consideration be given, on a much more urgent basis, to shifting the policy effort towards addressing these challenges. Doing so requires a clear separation of measures that provide income support to farm households in need, from measures that would underpin increased farm productivity, sustainability, resilience, and overall profitability. Targeting transitional income support to farm households in need can both make that support more effective and free-up resources for public investment in agricultural innovation, environmental care, and resilience.