This report was prepared in the OECD Directorate for Public Governance (GOV) under the leadership of Marcos Bonturi, Director, and Martin Forst, head of GOV’s Governance Reviews and Partnerships Division.
The report was drafted by Daniel Acquah, policy analyst at the OECD at the time of drafting, under the strategic direction of Stephane Jacobzone, Head of Unit for evidence, monitoring and policy evaluation. Danielle Mulima, Katarzyna Lisek and Lizeth Fuquene contributed sections and provided highly valuable research assistance. Editorial and production support was provided by Ciara Muller and Amelia Godber.
The authors are grateful to the European Commission Joint Research Centre for the collaboration on building capacity for evidence-informed policy-making. In particular, the OECD would like to thank David Mair and Milena Raykovska who co-organised the workshop ‘Skills for Policymakers for Evidence – Informed Policy-making,’ which took place in April 2018 and which was co-opened by Charlina Vitcheva, Deputy Director-General of the Joint Research Centre. Within the OECD Secretariat, Raquel Paramo and Javier Gonzalez provided assistance for the workshop.
The authors are also grateful to many of the participating experts who have contributed to the work, including Eeva Hellstrom (SITRA, Finland), Ulla Rosenstrom (Prime Minister’s Office Finland), Rozenn Desplatz (France), Kasey Treadwell Shine (Ireland), Lynette Sing (South Africa), Jen Gold (UK), Tatjana Verrier (EC), Françoise Waintrop (ENA, France), Carrie Exton (OECD), Diana Epstein (US), Ulrik Mogensen (EC), Elena Oyon (Alliance for Useful Evidence), Wim Rietdijk (the Netherlands), Nick Carrol (New Zealand), Annelise Dennis (INASP), Jakob Wegener Friis (EC), Charlotte Hall (Sweden), Antonio López Soto (Spain), Frank Zwetsloot (Science Works/Netherlands), Jonas Fischer (EC).
The report received detailed and comprehensive feedback from the Public Governance Committee and the authors are grateful to country officials for all the feedback and additional material. Finally, the authors wish to acknowledge the feedback received from Daniel Gerson, Edwin Lau, Natalia Nolan, Toni Rumpf and Ernesto Soria Morales in the OECD Public Governance Directorate.