The report was prepared by Piotr Stryszowski, Senior Economist, and Morgane Gaudiau, Economist, at the OECD Directorate for Public Governance led by Marcos Bonturi. Florence Mouradian provided valuable knowledge and assistance to the quantitative analysis.
The authors wish to thank Peter Hedin from the Swedish Patent and Trademark Office (PRV) for excellent, trust-based co-operation, and valuable insights.
The authors are also grateful to representatives of Swedish industry for the valuable assistance provided. Special expressions of appreciation are given to Mr. Paul Pintér and Mr. Christian Dalsgaard from Fjällräven as well as to Mr. Johan Bravert from SKF.
Raquel Paramo, Eleonore Morena and Andrea Uhrhammer provided editorial and production support.
The database on customs seizures was provided by the World Customs Organization (WCO) and supplemented with regional data submitted by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union, the US Customs and Border Protection Agency and the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The authors express their gratitude for the data and for the valuable support of these institutions.