The region of Alentejo is one of Portugal’s seven TL2 regions. The region has five inter-municipal communities (CIM) and 58 municipalities, including its main city, Évora (Alentejo Central). The region borders Extremadura and Andalucía (Spain) on the East, the Atlantic Ocean and Metropolitan Area of: Lisbon on the West, Algarve in the South and Centro Region in the North. With 704 934 inhabitants, Alentejo is the fourth Portuguese TL2 region in terms of population. With 31 605 km2 corresponding to about one third of the national surface, Alentejo is the largest Portuguese TL2 region in terms of surface. The population density of Alentejo (23 inhabitants per km2) is five times lower than the national level (113 inhabitants per km2) and is the lowest across Portugal’s TL2 regions (Table 2.1).
This chapter outlines the main demographic trends framing service provision in Alentejo at the large region (TL2), small region (TL3) and degree of urbanisation levels. This last typology classifies settlements into sparse rural areas, villages, towns and suburbs and cities in an internationally comparable way (see Annex A for more details). The chapter starts by outlining the distribution of population across regions and human settlement types. In the second section, it analyses available population projections at different levels of territorial aggregation. In the third and last section, it gives an overview of digital divides across regions and degrees of urbanisation.