This report was produced by the OECD Environment Directorate, directed by Rodolfo Lacy, and the Climate, Biodiversity and Water Division led by Simon Buckle. This report was written by Rodney Boyd, under the supervision of Robert Youngman who provided careful review and guidance, inputs, and encouragement. The author is grateful to Aayush Tandon who provided substantive input to the report and to Kathleen Dominique who authored section 3.7. In addition, the author would like to thank Dominique Haleva, Nassera Belkhiter, Elvira Berrueta-Imaz, Anna Rourke and Pascale Rossignol for administrative support and Sama Al Taher Cucci, Beth Del Bourgo and Jane Kynaston for communications. The author is responsible for any errors.
Thus report has benefited from discussions with and reviews from the following OECD experts: Dorothee Allain-Dupre, Brilé Anderson, Geraldine Ang, Irene Basile, Timothy Bishop, Jennifer Calder, Isabelle Chatry, Naeeda Crishna-Morgado, Lisa Danielson, Alexandre de Crombrugghe, Jane Ellis, Paul Horrocks, Raphael Jachnik, Juliane Jansen, Takayoshi Kato, Kumi Kitamori, Kate Kooka, André Laboul, Bérénice Lasfargues, Hannah Leckie, Xavier Leflaive, Virginie Marchal, Lauren McNicoll, Tadashi Matsumoto, Krzysztof Michalak, Mariana Mirabile, Fernando Mistura, Michael Mullan, Joel Paula, Edward Perry, Marissa Plouin, Dirk Röttgers, Ana Maria Ruiz, Jens Sedemund, Hideki Takada, Özlem Taskin, Manasvini Vaidyula, Camila Vammalle, Christoph Weigl, and Ziga Zarnic, as well as with colleagues from the International Energy Agency: Simon Bennett, Andrew Prag and Michael Waldron.
The author is grateful for the valuable advice, time and inputs received from a large number of external experts who were consulted at various points and to various degrees during the preparation of this work. Contributors alphabetically by name are: Marcelo Allain (BR Infra Group); Amal-Lee Amin (Inter-American Development Bank, IDB); Martin Berg (European Investment Bank, EIB); Anesu Bwawa (UK National Infrastructure Commission); Ian Callaghan (Ian Callaghan Associates); Mike Clark (Ario Advisory); Ian Cochran (Institute for Climate Economics, I4CE); Andrew Davison (Moody’s Investor Group); Michael Feith (European Commission, EC); Gianleo Frisari (IDB); Tomas Gärdfors (Norton Rose Fulbright LLP); Eliza Gereanu (EC); Markus Hagemann (New Climate Institute); Christopher Head (Climate Investment Funds); Ian Headley (Ernst & Young LLP); Marcela Jaramillo (IDB); Shehroze Junejo (UK Infrastructure and Projects Authority); Aki Kachi (New Climate Institute); Christopher Knowles (EIB); Miguel Sebastian Lema (National Planning Department, DNP, Colombia); Berit Lindholdt (International Finance Corporation, IFC); Karen Lockridge (Mercer); Nick Mabey (E3G); Edgar Hernan Cruz Martinez (DNP, Colombia); Vivek Mittal (Terrawatt Initiative); Darius Nassiry (Overseas Development Institute, ODI); Finbarr O'Sullivan (EIB); Nguyet Pham (Global Green Growth Institute, GGGI); Jean-Pascal Pham-Ba (Terrawatt Initiative); Chai Qimin (National Development and Reform Commission, China); Juan Felipe Franco Ramirez (DNP, Colombia); Frauke Röser (New Climate Institute); Matthew Sebonia (Global Climate Capital); Josué Tanaka (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development); Gavin Templeton (Macquarie Green Investment Group); Alexander Vasa (IDB); Adam Ward (GGGI); Charlene Watson (ODI); and Mike Wilkins (S&P Global Ratings). In particular, the author is grateful to Kirsty Hamilton (Chatham House), who contributed substantially to bringing in private sector perspectives and insight.
This work benefitted significantly from the generous support of the Japanese government.