This report was prepared by the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV), under the leadership of Elsa Pilichowski, Director; János Bertók, Deputy Director; and Anna Pietikainen, Head of the Regulatory Policy Division, GOV. It was co-ordinated and drafted by Alexander Roberts with significant inputs from Vincent Van Langen and Lucas Segal, under the guidance and supervision of Martha Baxter. Substantive comments were provided by Xavier Le Flaive, OECD Environment Directorate (ENV), and Oriana Romano, OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities (CFE).
Jennifer Stein co-ordinated the editorial process and Andrea Uhrhammer provided editorial support. Barbara Acs and Claudia Paupe provided administrative support. The translation of the report into Portuguese was prepared by AP Portugal.
The team included three peer reviewers, who participated in a peer mission to Brazil and provided extensive inputs and feedback throughout the development of the review: Alan Sutherland, Chief Executive, Water Industry Commission for Scotland; France Pégeot, Chair and CEO, Canadian Transportation Agency; and Peter Gammeltoft, formerly Head of Unit, European Commission Directorate-General for Environment (DG ENV) and President of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR).
The report would not have been possible without the support of ANA and its staff. The team would like to thank the following ANA colleagues in particular for their timely and valuable assistance in collecting data and responding to requests for further information and clarification, for their support in organising and conducting the fact-finding and peer missions in Brasilia, and for providing feedback at different stages of the review: Veronica Rios, Director-President; Filipe Sampaio, and Ana Carolina Argolo, Directors; Nazareno Araújo, Acting-Director; Mauricio Abijaodi, former Director; Tauana Monteiro, Adriana Rodrigues, Claudia Kattar, Leandro Mendes, Ana Paula Fioreze. The team would also like to thank all those who participated in the interviews during the review process, including the various ANA departments, government, industry and civil society stakeholders, which contributed to the analysis presented in the report.