This report was prepared by the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV), under the leadership and with the encouragement and support of Elsa Pilichowski, Director; János Bertók, Deputy Director; and Nick Malyshev, Head of the Regulatory Policy Division, GOV. It was co-ordinated and drafted by Martha Baxter and Vincent van Langen with significant inputs from Alberto Morales and Roberto Arana Fierros, under the guidance and supervision of Anna Pietikainen. Ana Simion carried out initial preparatory work. Substantive comments were provided by Nick Malyshev, Florentin Blanc and Alberto Morales of GOV.
Jennifer Stein co-ordinated the editorial process and Andrea Uhrhammer provided editorial support. Johanna Palmi provided administrative support. The translation of the report into Spanish was prepared by Gilda Moreno Manzur.
The team included three peer reviewers, who participated in a virtual policy mission to Peru and provided extensive inputs and feedback throughout the development of the review: Andrea Guerrini, Commissioner of ARERA, the Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment; Sanford Berg, Professor Emeritus, Economics, at the University of Florida; and Maria Cristina Portugal, President, Portugal’s Energy Services Regulatory Authority, ERSE. The team would like to pay special tribute to Maria Cristina Portugal who passed away in September 2021, and thank her colleagues at ERSE, especially Mariana Pereira, Member of the Board, Natalie McCoy, Head of International Affairs, and Ana Filipa Santos, International Affairs, for their support to preparing and continuing ERSE’s engagement with the review.
The report would not have been possible without the support of Sunass and its staff. The team would like to thank in particular the following colleagues for their valuable assistance in collecting data and information, for their support and flexibility to organising and conducting the team’s missions remotely, as well as for providing feedback at different stages of the review: Iván Lucich Larrauri, Executive President; Ana María Fox Joo, Lucy Henderson Palacios, Lucía Delfina Ruiz Ostoic, Richard Alberto Navarro Rodríguez, Members of the Board of Directors; José Manuel Zavala Muñoz, General Manager; and Roger Loyola Gonzales, Advisor in the General Management. The team would also like to thank all those that participated in the interviews during the review process, including the various Sunass departments, government, industry and civil society stakeholders, which contributed to the analysis presented in the report.