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Product and labour markets functioning
Performance gaps
Regulatory policies remain restrictive and competition is low in many key network industries.
South Africa compares unfavourably in most product market regulation indicators, in particular indicators assessing distortions induced by state involvement.
Align sector regulators and the Competition Commission to strengthen competition policies and their enforcements.
Privatise State-Owned Enterprises operating in competitive market segments, such as commercial banking, energy, and logistics.
Digital transition
Performance gaps
Lagging telecommunication infrastructure, in particular the roll-out of fibre-optic cable, is slowing down digitalisation. Only 2.4% of inhabitants have access to high-speed internet. In addition, access to telecommunication services is highly unequal across the country.
Take advantage of any public construction works to install open-access telecom infrastructure.
Subsidise the expansion of the network outside city centres through grants, conditional on making the infrastructure openly accessible.
Inclusiveness, social protection, and ageing
Performance gaps
Poverty remains high, despite an extensive and well-functioning means-tested cash-transfer system that provides support to the elderly, children, and people with disabilities. Unemployed and informal workers receive little support.
Strengthen the social transfer system to cover unemployed individuals by, for instance, making permanent the Social Distress Relief grant introduced during the COVID-19 crisis.
Consider the introduction of an additional means-tested benefit for households with income below the minimum subsistence line.
Climate transition
Performance gaps
CO2 emissions per unit of GDP are high, reflecting in part the high-energy intensity of the economy, but also the elevated dependence on coal as a main energy source. 80% of electricity production still comes from coal.
Progressively reduce exemptions to the carbon tax to increase its base.
Increase and accelerate the procurement of renewable electricity from independent power producers.