This chapter presents a set of reflections to build a coherent strategy for the next stages of the review of senior cycle in Ireland. These reflections bring together the analysis from the previous chapters and are organised around the dimensions of the OECD framework for education policy implementation: policy design, stakeholder engagement and policy context.
The OECD suggests the third phase of the review of senior cycle could be organised around the following: i) dissemination of the main conclusions of phase 2; ii) identification of the main strengths and challenges identified in phase 2; and iii) discussion of the main priorities and potential policy lines to tackle the issues identified.
Furthermore, it provides suggestions which can contribute to shape the next steps of the review: refining the vision, objectives and tools of senior cycle; their coherence with the broader policy context; clarifying roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders; data and information needed for decision-making; communication and engagement plan; resources for implementation; timing and data.