The process of putting together a publication with a variety of different contributors is necessarily a collaborative one, and this volume benefits enormously from the support of a number of individuals and institutions. The editors thank the CERI Governing Board for consistently supporting this work since its inception. Professor Catrin Finkenauer and her Dynamics of Youth team at Utrecht University, with support from the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, made possible an expert workshop in 2020 that provided much of the backbone of the conceptual work and expert contributions in this volume.
The editors would also like to thank the external authors who contributed to this volume (in order of their chapters): Mariana Brussoni, Benoit Bediou, Michael Rich, Daphné Bavelier, Julian Sefton-Green, Rachel Rodgers, Sebastian Sattler, Rebecca Eynon and Kristen Weatherby.
In addition, special thanks to the following countries and systems who completed the 21st Century Children Policy Questionnaire: Australia, Belgium (Flemish Community), Belgium (French Community), Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Russian Federation, Scotland (United Kingdom), Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United States. Your time, expertise, and co-ordination with colleagues from other ministries and departments are very appreciated.
Thank you to Simona Petruzzella for her drafting, ideas and inputs, and to Leonora Lynch-Stein for editorial support and careful review of each chapter. We would also like to thank past and present team members who contributed ideas, drafts and research papers from which this volume is drawn: Ruth Aston, Liam Bekirsky, Anna Choi, Marc Fuster, Julie Hooft Graafland and Alejandro Paniagua. Thanks also to Sophie Limoges for her editorial support.
Thank you also to our colleagues Andras Molnar and Elettra Ronchi from the Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation, Grainne Dirwan from the Well-Being, Inclusion, Sustainability and Equal Opportunity Centre, and Lisa Robinson from the Université de Cergy-Pontoise for their valuable feedback and comments on individual chapters. We very much appreciate your expertise and collaboration.
We thank Andreas Schleicher, Director, and Dirk van Damme, Head of CERI, for their comments on the draft. The CERI Governing Board provided encouragement, ideas and feedback throughout the process, and we are grateful for their guidance. Thank you.
Tracey Burns and Francesca Gottschalk