The official development finance (ODF) data in this report include concessional official development assistance (ODA) and non-concessional developmental other official flows (OOF). It excludes non-developmental OOF, such as officially supported export credits,1 whose main objective is commercial and not developmental. The ODF data was extracted from the Creditor Reporting System (CRS) Aid Activities database (hereinafter “CRS” database), which includes project level information reported to the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Secretariat by more than 60 bilateral and multilateral development partners. The eligible ODA recipient countries can be consulted in the DAC List of ODA Recipients _Recipients2014to2017_flows_En.pdf.
The private investment data for ODA-recipient countries in this report were mostly derived from the World Bank’s Private Participation in Infrastructure (PPI) project database, which captures investment flows - both domestic and foreign - and other information of infrastructure projects in developing countries at the project level. In addition, the commercial Dealogic Projectware database was used as a supplementary dataset. This database contains information on trade finance transactions for 31 OECD countries and 80 non-OECD countries, collected directly from banks and organisations involved in deals. While some data may have a component of public or development partner financing, it is not possible to determine their amounts or proportions with this dataset.
The data for amounts mobilised from the private sector in this report was based on the 2016 OECD-DAC Survey Amounts Mobilised from the Private Sector in 2012-2015 by Official Development Finance Interventions which captures amounts mobilised from the private sector through guarantees, syndicated loans, shares in collective investment vehicles, direct investment in companies and credit lines. This survey was based on a sample of 72 development finance institutions (DFIs) and international finance institutions (IFIs).