This chapter documents governments’ policy objectives and actions to decarbonise buildings. It reviews policy goals and actions in place such as building codes, energy labels, minimum energy standards and financial incentives. This chapter further sheds light on challenges in implementation, such as monitoring progress, and introduces evolving policy priorities.
Global Monitoring of Policies for Decarbonising Buildings
2. Policy goals and measures
Copy link to 2. Policy goals and measuresAbstract
Copy link to IntroductionDecarbonising buildings requires a multifaceted strategy. While pursuing emissions reductions in both new and existing buildings, governments should also consider financing capacity. Drawing from the OECD Global Survey on Buildings and Climate (2024), this chapter delves into how governments are gradually decarbonising their building stock by setting goals, regulations and incentives.
Goal setting and monitoring mechanisms
Copy link to Goal setting and monitoring mechanismsClear and well-communicated goals and roadmaps with transparent timelines and regulations are essential for all stakeholders. Establishing a clear roadmap fosters public trust and encourages community buy-in. However, the goals should be coupled with monitoring mechanisms to track progress and identify areas for improvement.
Table 2.1. Goal setting and monitoring mechanisms
Copy link to Table 2.1. Goal setting and monitoring mechanisms
Country |
Building-related commitments in NDCs |
Plans to phase out fossil fuels for heating and cooling buildings |
Quantitative targets included in long-term goals |
Monitoring frameworks to track progress at the local level |
Belgium (Flanders) |
N/A |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Brazil |
✔ |
Canada |
✔ |
Colombia |
✔ |
Costa Rica |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Côte d’Ivoire |
✔ |
Finland |
✔ |
France |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Germany |
✔ |
✔ |
Greece |
✔ |
Iceland |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Israel |
Italy |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Japan |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Korea |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Lithuania |
✔ |
Mexico |
Netherlands |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Norway |
✔ |
Philippines |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Poland |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Singapore |
✔ |
✔ |
Spain |
✔ |
✔ |
Sweden |
Switzerland |
✔ |
Thailand |
✔ |
United Kingdom |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
United States |
✔ |
✔ |
Percentage of responding countries |
54% (15/28) |
46% (13/28) |
50% (14/28) |
46% (13/28) |
Note: The figure consolidates the responses to the questions from the survey: “Does your country’s NDC include a dedicated and stand-alone commitment for climate change mitigation in the building sector?”, “Has your government already implemented or announced plans to ban or phase out fossil fuels for heating/cooling?”, “Does your country’s long-term target include any quantitative targets of the following measures?”, “Does the national government gather information of the implementation/progress in each regions/municipalities on policy indicators for decarbonising buildings and climate resilience (e.g. the number of insulation retrofits/year for each region/city)?”
The responding countries could choose multiple answers if applicable. Unchecked cells indicate the absence of these commitments/targets/frameworks. N/A indicates that the option is not applicable to the country/region.
Source: OECD Global Survey on Buildings and Climate (2024)
54% of responding countries have included building-related commitments in their NDCs
In these countries, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) include commitments to achieve zero-emission buildings, use renewable energy, or reduce whole-life cycle carbon. The commitment to achieving zero-emissions in existing buildings is the most widespread theme of sustainability, consistently addressed across all relevant institutional levels and implementation mechanisms.
46% of responding countries have set a plan to phase out fossil fuels for heating and cooling buildings
Setting a plan to phase out fossil fuels creates a sense of urgency that pushes governments, businesses and individuals to move away from fossil fuels. With a plan in place, policy makers can develop a roadmap with specific milestones and actions needed to achieve it.
In the United Kingdom, for example, the previous administration set the aim to phase out the installation of new and replacement of fossil fuel heating systems from 2035, installing 600 000 heat pumps per year by 2028 and reducing costs of heat pumps by 25-50% by 2025 (making them as affordable to purchase and operate as current natural gas boilers) (Department for Energy Security & Net Zero, 2021[1]).
More than half of the responding countries do not have concrete quantitative targets on decarbonising buildings
Although broader goals for decarbonising buildings exist, the survey shows that less than half of the countries have established quantitative goals for specific decarbonisation measures. About 29% of responding countries (Belgium (Flanders), France, Germany, Greece, Japan, the Netherlands, Spain, and the United Kingdom) have quantitative targets for the adoption of heat pumps, whereas only 14% (Belgium (Flanders), France, Japan, and the Philippines) and 11% of countries (France, Japan, and the Netherlands) have established targets for rooftop photovoltaic (PV) systems and insulation, respectively.
The Netherlands stands out because it has clear, quantitative targets for specific decarbonisation measures. Due to its high dependence on natural gas for heating (approximately 90% of homes), the main climate goal for the built environment in the Netherlands is to phase out natural gas by 2050. As an intermediate goal, 1.5 million of the almost 8 million dwellings in the Netherlands should be heated without natural gas by 2030. By working closely with municipalities, the national government plans to provide 500 000 new connections to district heating networks in existing buildings by 2030. The Dutch government has therefore introduced a National Insulation Programme, which aims to insulate 2.5 million homes by 2030, with a particular focus on buildings with an energy label E, F or G. Additionally, the Dutch Hybrid Heat Pumps Programme aims to install 1 million hybrid heat pumps by 2030 (The Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, 2022[2]).
Table 2.2. Quantitative targets included in long-term goals
Copy link to Table 2.2. Quantitative targets included in long-term goals
Country |
District heating/cooling |
Fossil fuel-free buildings |
Heat pumps |
Insulation |
Rooftop PVs |
Solar heating of water |
Other renewable energy |
Other |
Belgium (Flanders) |
✔ |
✔ |
Brazil |
Canada |
Colombia |
Costa Rica |
Côte d’Ivoire |
Finland |
France |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Germany |
✔ |
✔ |
Greece |
✔ |
✔ |
Iceland |
✔ |
Israel |
Italy |
✔ |
✔ |
Japan |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Korea |
✔ |
✔ |
Lithuania |
✔ |
Mexico |
Netherlands |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Norway |
Philippines |
✔ |
Poland |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Singapore |
✔ |
Spain |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Sweden |
Switzerland |
Thailand |
United Kingdom |
✔ |
✔ |
United States |
Percentage of responding countries |
18% (5/28) |
18% (5/28) |
29% (8/28) |
11% (3/28) |
14% (4/28) |
4% (1/28) |
14% (4/28) |
25% (7/28) |
Note: The figure consolidates the responses to the questions from the survey: “Does your country’s long-term target include any quantitative targets of the following measures?”
The responding countries could choose multiple answers if applicable. Unchecked cells indicate the absence of these quantitative targets in the long-term goals.
Source: OECD Global Survey on Buildings and Climate (2024)
54% of responding countries do not have monitoring frameworks to track progress on decarbonisation efforts at the local level
While most of the responding countries do not have monitoring framework for local actions, in Korea, the national government launches a “Green Building Co-ordination Support Plan” every five years. The plan serves as a guideline for local governments to formulate their own green building plans and report back to the central government. Each year, the national government assesses local governments’ green building efforts using a national energy database. The three local governments demonstrating the most significant performance receive ministerial awards, encouraging further efforts towards energy reduction. The results of these evaluations are made publicly available on a dedicated website, ensuring transparency and easy access to information (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport of Korea, 2019[3]).
Varying levels of policy adoption rate
Copy link to Varying levels of policy adoption rateWhile most of the countries are aiming to reach net-zero as set in Paris Agreement, each country uses different policy instruments to achieve their goals. The OECD Global Survey on Buildings and Climate (2024) shows that a majority of responding countries have implemented mandatory energy-efficiency codes (89%) and offer financial incentives such as subsidies and low-interest loans (86%). Additionally, 61% of countries have introduced mandatory energy performance certificates or labelling programmes. Other policies are still in their infancy. For example, only 21% of countries (Finland, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden) have regulations on whole-life carbon (mandatory declaration or limit value), and 18% (Belgium (Flanders), France, the Netherlands, Singapore and the United Kingdom) have established minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) that include mandatory renovations (Figure 2.1).
Regular strengthening of building energy efficiency standards
Despite variations in the adoption of policy instruments across countries, there is a general trend of gradual enhancement of standards aimed at decarbonising buildings. The OECD Global Survey on Buildings and Climate (2024) finds that 82% of responding countries regularly strengthen the level of energy efficiency standards of buildings (Figure 2.2). The regular improvement in standards plays a crucial role in speeding up the decarbonisation efforts within the building and construction sector. Regular updates to energy efficiency requirements ensure that new constructions and renovations effectively contribute to achieving decarbonisation goals.
Identifying policy measures for new and existing buildings
Copy link to Identifying policy measures for new and existing buildingsBuilding codes can be enhanced to decarbonise buildings
By 2023, global building codes have expanded to 81 for residential and 77 for non-residential buildings, with 80% being mandatory. However, more than 30% of these codes remain unchanged since 2015, potentially failing to meet high-performance standards. 80% of increase in floor area by 2030 will be in developing economies where many lack stringent energy codes, offering an opportunity for enhanced enforcement and alignment with net-zero CO2 goals (UNEP, 2024[4]).
Regarding the components of building codes, findings from the OECD Global Survey on Buildings and Climate (2024) highlighted the disparities across countries in terms of comprehensiveness. Insulation is the most prevalent dimension (addressed in 75% of building codes), followed by equipment energy efficiency (71%) and primary energy consumption (54%). Yet, operational carbon reduction (25%), primary fossil-fuel energy consumption (21%) and whole-life cycle carbon (7%) are relatively less addressed in legislative and regulatory frameworks (Figure 2.3).
Table 2.3. Elements included in building codes
Copy link to Table 2.3. Elements included in building codes
Country |
Insulation/heat transmission |
Energy efficiency of equipment |
Primary energy consumption |
Primary fossil-fuel energy consumption |
Whole-life carbon |
Belgium (Flanders) |
Brazil |
Canada |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Colombia |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Costa Rica |
✔ |
Côte d’Ivoire |
Finland |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
France |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Germany |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Greece |
✔ |
✔ |
Iceland |
✔ |
✔ |
Israel |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Italy |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Japan |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Korea |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Lithuania |
Mexico |
Netherlands |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Norway |
✔ |
✔ |
Philippines |
Poland |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Singapore |
✔ |
✔ |
Spain |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Sweden |
✔ |
✔ |
Switzerland |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Thailand |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
United Kingdom |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
United States |
✔ |
✔ |
Percentage of responding countries |
75% (21/28) |
71% (20/28) |
54% (15/28) |
21% (6/28) |
7% (2/28) |
Note: Question from the survey: “Please select all elements that are included in the building codes which are applicable to new construction.” The responding countries could select all applicable options. Unchecked cells indicate the absence of these elements in the building codes.
Source: OECD Global Survey on Buildings and Climate (2024)
Near-zero buildings must be the “new normal” for new buildings
New standards for new buildings
Setting new standards for new buildings is a pivotal strategy in the effort to decarbonise the building sector. The buildings currently under construction will still stand in 2050. We must therefore make sure that the standards set for these buildings put us on the right path. By prioritising energy efficiency, promoting cleaner heating technologies and fostering a sustainable built environment, the new standards can lead the charge in combating climate change.
In this regard, the United Kingdom introduced the Future Homes Standard (FHS) and Future Buildings Standard (FBS), with implementation proposed for 2025. The standards proposed by the previous administration represent a notable elevation in requirements, particularly concerning energy efficiency and heating specifications for both residential and non-residential structures. By tightening these standards, the aim is to accelerate the reduction of emissions. Specifically, the anticipated outcomes include a substantial decrease in CO2 emissions, with new homes projected to emit at least 75% less CO2 on average compared to 2013 standards (Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government of the UK, 2019[5]).
Whole-life carbon
While operational carbon emissions from buildings represent a significant portion of global carbon emissions making 75% of the total carbon emissions in buildings, the embodied carbon of materials and construction is also crucial and constitutes another key aspect of a building’s overall carbon footprint throughout its life cycle. However, projections indicate that under business-as-usual scenario, embodied emissions could rise to nearly half of all building emissions by 2050 (UNEP, Yale Center for Ecosystems + Architecture, 2023[6]).
Against this background, the Chaillot Declaration – signed by 70 countries – emphasises the use of on-site assets, recycled materials, and locally sourced, sustainable, low-carbon materials to construct and retrofit buildings throughout their entire life cycle (Ministry of Ecological Transition and Terriotorial Cohesion, 2024[7]).
Policies should target reductions in embodied carbon through the adoption of sustainable practices and materials of new buildings, alongside promoting retrofitting initiatives aimed at significantly reducing energy consumption. Policies addressing whole-life carbon complement existing energy standards by introducing separate requirements for operational and embodied carbon. Typically, policies addressing whole-life carbon begin with the development of methodologies for assessing embodied emissions. Subsequently, data compiled using these methodologies lead to the creation of national databases accessible to all stakeholders, paving the way for the implementation of regulations. One such example is the French national reference database INIES, which provides extensive environmental and health data on construction products and equipment.
The OECD Survey on Buildings and Climate (2024) echoes this trend. While 61% of responding countries have already established assessment methodologies, only 21% (Finland, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden) require developers to declare the whole-life carbon of buildings when constructing new structures. Furthermore, a mere 11% of countries (Finland, France and the Netherlands) have set limit values on carbon emission from buildings (Figure 2.4).
Meanwhile, several countries have begun addressing embodied carbon by adopting life cycle assessment to consider all carbon emissions from cradle to grave. Table 2.4 provides an overview of the specific LCA regulations of the responding countries.
Table 2.4. Examples of whole-life carbon regulations in countries
Copy link to Table 2.4. Examples of whole-life carbon regulations in countries
Country |
Finland |
France |
The Netherlands |
Norway |
Sweden |
Year |
2025 |
2022 |
2018 |
2023 |
2022 |
Regulation / standards |
Building Act |
RE2020 |
TEK17 |
Climate Declaration 2022 |
Target buildings |
New buildings |
New residential buildings and offices, and educational buildings |
New residential buildings, and offices |
New buildings, renovation for existing buildings |
New buildings |
Upfront carbon / whole-life carbon |
While life carbon |
Whole-life carbon |
Whole-life carbon |
Upfront carbon |
Upfront carbon |
Regulatory measures |
Declaration, limit value |
Declaration, limit value |
Declaration, limit value |
Declaration |
Declaration |
Note: Countries that have reported having regulatory measures (mandatory declaration or limit value) for embodied/life cycle carbon in place.
Source: OECD Global Survey on Buildings and Climate, (Nordic Sustainable Construction, 2023[8]) (Boverket, 2023[9]) (Nationale Milieu Database, n.d.[10]) (The Central Government of the Netherlands, 2017[11])
Improving energy performance of existing buildings is imperative
Energy labelling of buildings plays a critical role in the fight to decarbonise existing buildings by providing clear information about building’s energy performance and by putting market pressure for improvement. Clear information about the energy performance of buildings empowers potential buyers, renters and even current occupants to understand the building’s energy consumption. Moreover, stringent regulatory measures on energy labelling and subsequent placement of minimum energy performance standard signal to all stakeholders in the market that more energy efficient and energy saving measures need to be in place according to the timeline set by the regulations. Well-designed energy labels play a pivotal role in accelerating the decarbonisation of buildings.
According to the OECD Survey on Buildings and Climate (2024), the most common type of energy labelling was the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) (64%), followed by built environment certification beyond energy use such as LEED and BREEAM (36%), and energy labelling on annual energy consumption (29%). Only 18% of responding countries have a labelling system which includes whole-life carbon emissions (Figure 2.5).
Regarding the issuance of energy labels of buildings, about 46% of responding countries apply mandatory energy labelling to all new buildings. What’s more, 46% of responding countries use sales and rent as trigger points to enforce energy labelling of buildings (Figure 2.6).
Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)
An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is a document that provides information about a building’s energy efficiency. It uses a rating system to show how energy efficient building is, ranking from A, the most efficient, to G. EPCs also include recommendations for cost-effective improvements to increase the building’s energy performance.
The European Union (EU) plays a major role in promoting EPCs. The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) (2002/91/EC) introduced EPCs across the EU (IEA, 2019[12]). Findings from the EU respondents to the OECD Global Survey on Buildings and Climate (2024) show that EPC integration and implementation methods vary considerably across member states, ranging from calculation approaches, to building scope, and other information.
For instance, in France, the Diagnostic de Performance Énergétique (DPE) was introduced in 2006, undergoing reforms in 2013 and 2021. The 2021 reform extended DPE information to encompass greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) alongside energy performance (Figure 2.7, Figure 2.8 and Figure 2.9). Normally, a DPE is valid for 10 years. However, in order to accelerate the harmonisation of DPE to the new reformed standard in 2021, DPEs carried out between 1 January 2013 and 31 December 2017 are valid until 31 December 2022; and DPEs carried out between 1 January 2018 and 30 June 2021 are valid until 31 December 2024 (The Ministry of Ecological Transition and d Territorial Cohesion of France, 2024[13]).
In the Netherlands, approximately 64.1% of homes possess EPC as of January 2024 (Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), 2024[14]). Since 2015, EPCs are mandatory for property sales or rentals, with a transition in 2021 to the NTA8800 calculation method to align with EU standards and zero-emission building goals. The Dutch EPC evaluates requirement (kWh per m2 per year), fossil energy use and renewable energy share, issuing labels from A++++ to G and suggesting potential energy-saving measures (Government of the Netherlands, 2024[15]).
In April 2024, the European Council adopted a revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) aimed at standardising Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) across all 27 member states. The revision involves a common template for EPCs including indicators for energy, greenhouse gas emissions, and optional ones for charging points and indoor air quality controls. Additionally, a clearer A-G classification system will be implemented, with member states given the flexibility to introduce an “A+” class for buildings exceeding zero-emission standards (European Commission, 2024[16]).
Furthermore, the revision extends EPC issuance to more trigger points such as major renovations and rental contract renewals to raise awareness among stakeholders. Enhanced control mechanisms and visibility in property advertisements are included, alongside public reporting requirements on EPC quality assurance processes. The directive also requires the establishment of national databases on building energy performance to facilitate renovations, alongside the introduction of renovation passport schemes to offer tailored roadmaps for buildings owners planning renovations (European Commission, 2024[16])
Other voluntary and mandatory energy-labels
Other than the EPC model in the EU, the mix of voluntary and mandatory energy labels play a significant role in creating a more energy-efficient building stock. By empowering consumers with information about building energy performance, these programmes can lead to lower energy bills, reduced environmental impact and more sustainable future.
In the United States, a diverse array of voluntary programmes contributes to fostering energy-efficient building practices. These initiatives empower consumers with information about building energy performance, aiming to reduce energy bills and minimise environmental impact.
For residential buildings, the Home Energy Score offers certification for existing homes based on an asset rating. It provides a standardised assessment of energy-related assets, enabling easy comparison of energy use across the housing market. Each home receives a score on a one-to-ten scale, with higher scores indicating greater energy efficiency (Figure 2.10) (U.S, Department of Energy, 2022[17]). Similarly, the Zero Energy Ready Home Program, launched in 2013, focuses on certifying high-performance new homes. These homes are designed to be so energy efficient that a renewable energy system could offset most of all of their annual energy use (U.S. Department of Energy, n.d.[18]).
ENERGY STAR, the largest voluntary housing eco-labelling programme in the United States, plays a crucial role in conveying the energy efficiency of homes and buildings. To qualify for ENERGY STAR certification, homes must meet stringent energy efficiency requirements established by the ENERGY STAR Residential New Construction programme. This certification is available for single-family homes, multifamily buildings, and manufactured homes (ENERGY STAR, n.d.[19]).
In the commercial sector, the ENERGY STAR Commercial Buildings programme serves as a voluntary labelling initiative aimed at recognising and promoting high-performance buildings. Central to its operations is an operational energy rating system, drawing data primarily from the periodic Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration. This survey, conducted every 5-7 years, collects comprehensive data on building characteristics and energy usage from commercial buildings nationwide (ENERGY STAR, n.d.[20]).
Utilising the detailed information gathered through the CBECS, the ENERGY STAR programme algorithmically estimates a building’s energy usage based on various factors such as size, location, occupancy, and equipment. It projects energy consumption levels for best, worst, and intermediate scenarios, and then compares the actual energy data provided by the building owner to these estimates. This comparison allows for a relative ranking of the building’s energy efficiency compared to its peers in the industry (ENERGY STAR, n.d.[20]).
Canada utilises two main programmes for building energy labeling, the EnerGuide Label and the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager. The EnerGuide Label is specifically designed for residential buildings as demonstrated by Figure 2.11. An EnerGuide home evaluation assesses a home’s energy efficiency and assigns it a rating. This rating reflects the estimated annual energy consumption compared to a benchmark home in the region. The label also provides the proportion of energy consumed by heating, cooling, ventilation, etc. Moreover, the label shows dwelling’s GHG emissions. The EnerGuide label empowers owners to understand their home’s energy performance and identify potential areas for improvement (Natural Resources Canada, n.d.[21]).\
In Canada, larger buildings utilise the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, adapted from the US benchmarking and disclosure tool, allowing building owners to monitor and report their energy performance. This tool has been tailored to Canadian needs, incorporating weather conditions, postal codes, languages, the metric system and specific data relevant to the country. Like its US counterpart, the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager is voluntary, although some provinces and cities have implemented mandatory disclosure and labelling initiatives aligned with the national programme (Natural Resources Canada, 2023[22]).
For instance, the Canadian province Ontario has instituted the Energy and Water Reporting and Benchmarking (EWRB) regulations. Under these regulations, large building owners are required to report their buildings’ energy and water usage annually to the Ontario Ministry of Energy. Reporting deadlines vary, with buildings 50 000 square feet and larger mandated to report by 1 July every year. Building owners typically utilise the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager to submit their building information and energy consumption data (Ministry of Energy of Ontario, n.d.[23]).
Korea launched the Zero Energy Building (ZEB) Certification in 2017 to promote energy-efficient buildings. The ZEB certification programme uses a rating system with five tiers (ZEB 1 being the most energy-efficient). Buildings are evaluated based on two key factors: energy efficiency and renewable energy production (energy self-sufficiency). Since 2020, public buildings larger than 1 000 m2 were required to meet ZEB 5 level. From 2023, public buildings larger than 500 m2 were required to meet ZEB 5 level. Moreover, from 2024, private residential apartment buildings more than 30 dwellings should obtain at least ZEB 5 level (Zero Energy Buildings of Korea, n.d.[24]).
Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS)
Meeting climate goals in the building sector requires renovating buildings at unprecedented rates. Recognising this urgency, the European Union has implemented several key directives to drive change.
For instance, Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU) requires EU countries to conduct regular assessments of efficient heating and cooling systems in buildings. These assessments, carried out every five years, help identify areas for improvement. The revised Renewable Energy Directive (EU/2023/2413) strengthens the use of renewable energy on heating and cooling within buildings. This is achieved by setting stricter targets for overall heating and cooling renewable energy use, as well as the district heating and cooling target (Article 23 and Article 24) (European Commission, n.d.[25]).
Moreover, the European Commission launched the Renovation Wave in 2020 with an aim to green buildings, create jobs and improve lives. The Renovation Strategy highlighted the importance of tackling energy poverty and worst performing buildings, renovation of public buildings and decarbonisation of heating and cooling (European Commission, n.d.[26]).
In alignment with this effort, the EU’s Energy Performance of Buildings Directives (EPBD) has introduced Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS). The goal of MEPS is to eliminate the worst-performing buildings by setting a future compliance date or using trigger points such as the sale or rental of the property (European Commission, 2021[27]; RAP, 2023[28]). The revised EPBD primarily targets non-residential buildings, aiming to renovate the poorest-performing structures. MEPS will be based on maximum energy performance thresholds, targeting 16% of the worst-performing non-residential buildings by 2030 and 26% by 2033. Member states have flexibility to exempt certain buildings, such as historical or heritage structures, based on cost-benefit assessments. Additionally, member states must establish pathways to meet lower energy performance thresholds by 2040 and 2050 as part of their National Building Renovation Plans (European Commission, 2024[16]).
For residential buildings, MEPS remain optional, but member states must adopt trajectories to reduce average primary energy use by 16% by 2030 and 20-22% by 2035. The focus will be on renovating the worst-performing buildings, comprising 43% of the residential stock, prioritising cost-efficient measures. Member states must ensure that at least 55% of energy performance improvements are achieved through the renovation of these poorest-performing residential buildings (European Commission, 2024[16]).
According to the OECD Global Survey on Buildings and Climate (2024), only 18% of countries (Belgium (Flanders), France, the Netherlands, Singapore, and the United Kingdom) currently have such MEPS for existing buildings. Some of their MEPS implementation is showed in Table 2.5.
Table 2.5. Examples of countries with Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS)
Copy link to Table 2.5. Examples of countries with Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS)
France |
England, Wales |
Netherlands |
Target buildings |
1) Residential buildings for rent 2) Tertiary buildings |
1) Residential buildings 2) Non-residential buildings |
Office buildings |
Trigger points |
1) Rent for residential buildings 2) Annual reporting for tertiary buildings |
Rent, Date (1 April 2018, 1 April 2020, 1 April 2023) |
Date (1 January 2023) |
Minimum Energy Performance Stands (MEPS) |
1) Residential buildings: In metropolitan France, to be eligible for rent, a dwelling must:
2) Tertiary buildings: Éco Énergie Tertiaire mandates a progressive reduction of final energy consumption for the entire tertiary sector by at least -40% by 2030, -50% by 2040, -60% by 2050, compared to a reference year chosen by the owner or lessee, between 2010 and 2019. |
1) Residential buildings
From 1 April 2020 the prohibition on renting F and G properties will extend to all relevant properties, even where there has been no change in tenancy. 2) Non-residential buildings:
Since 2023, every office building in the Netherlands larger than 100 m2 is required to have at least energy label C (the use of energy with a primary fossil energy in an office building is no more than 225 kWh/m2 per year). This applies to existing buildings. |
Note: The selected countries are from the countries which have answered to have MEPS in place.
Source: OECD Global Survey on Buildings and Climate (2024)
Financial incentives
Decarbonising buildings requires effective financing mechanisms that incentivise investments in deep retrofit of entire buildings, as well as upgrades to the heating or cooling systems. Stable financial incentives designed and implemented by governments can also ensure policy stability, which is key for actors on both the supply and demand side (Kerr and Winskel, 2020[29]). On the demand side, the upfront costs associated with energy-efficient refurbishments can be significantly alleviated through an array of financial incentives provided by governments. On the supply side, a reliable, long-term government-supported funding initiative is essential to make retrofitting businesses more attractive. Contractors are hesitant to adapt their business models to focus on energy-efficient installations unless they receive consistent, long-term policy signals about the potential returns (Gillich, 2013[30]).
These financial incentives, which intend to overcome the upfront cost barrier, can be divided into grants and loans. On one hand, subsidies, grants, tax credits and rebates are direct financial aid that is not expected to be repaid; on the other hand, loans usually make use of public funds for direct lending or as credit enhancements such as low-interest rates. Often, the eligible loans for energy efficiency improvements are repaid through the savings in monthly utility bills (Gillich, 2013[30]). This financing method captures savings not otherwise available and replenishes the original funding on a revolving basis, making it easier for property owners to manage their repayments. Governments can use public funds to lower commercial interest rates or provide loan guarantees to mitigate some of the lender’s risks (Kerr and Winskel, 2020[29]).
The OECD Global Survey on Buildings and Climate (2024) finds that 86% of responding countries have direct financial incentives for energy-efficient upgrades in buildings. However, the type and the coverage vary significantly. Three out of four countries have a subsidy or a grant in place. Low-interest loans rank second, available in 54% of countries. Tax credits are offered in 36% of countries, followed by rebates in 18%. While 11% of countries provide other types of financial incentives, 14% of countries offer none (Figure 2.12).
Grants reduce upfront cost for retrofitting and renovation
By providing direct financial aid to the property owners and tenants for implementing energy-efficiency measures, the energy demand can be reduced within a short period of time since one-off payment grants are attractive to households. Germany’s “Federal Funding for Efficient Buildings” has a “heating system exchange” programme which provides a basic subsidy of 30% available for all residential and non-residential buildings for all groups of applicants, including landlords. This includes an additional 5% efficiency bonus for installing heat pumps that use water, soil or wastewater as a heat source, or use a natural refrigerant. EUR 2 500 will be granted on top for biomass heating systems if they comply with a dust emission limit of 2.5 mg/m³. The programme also specifies that the cost relieved by the subsidies cannot be passed on to the rent, dampening the rise in rents through renovations. Moreover, a 20% “climate speed bonus” for owner-occupiers is given to those who replace their old fossil fuel heating systems before 2028. From 2029 onwards, this “climate speed bonus” will decrease 3% every two years. In addition, a 30% bonus is available for owner-occupiers with EUR 40 000 of taxable annual household incomes (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, 2024[31]).
Some grants are designed to target specific types of buildings, reflecting the structure of the building stock in the given country. For example, in Sweden, detached and semi-detached homes comprise 92% of Sweden’s residential building stock (Lantmäteriet, 2021[32]). What’s more, single-family homes accounted for 39% of space heating and hot water usage in 2021 (Swedish Energy Agency, 2022[33]). For this reason, Sweden focuses on single-family homes by offering grants to convert from electricity and gas-based heating systems (Boverket, 2024[34]). The direct financial aid is designed to rapidly reduce the demand for electricity and gas in residential buildings.
Norway offers a subsidy to municipalities aimed at supporting energy-efficiency measures in municipality-owned public housing, care homes, and nursing homes due to their substantial potential for energy efficiency improvements. In 2023, NOK 300 million of public funds was granted to the Norwegian State Housing Bank, the agency that manages the financing scheme at the national level. Municipalities can apply to the subsidy and will receive the subsidy upon the implementation of the energy-efficiency measures. The subsidy covers up to 50% of the costs of the measures undertaken with a cap of NOK 5 million for each project. The eligible energy-efficiency measures include post-insulation of exterior walls, post-insulation of external roof/cold attic, replacement of windows, thermal insulation of char, heat humps, solar thermal collector, solar and solid fuel bio-boiler (Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development of Norway, 2023[35]).
Spain’s Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan introduces measures to encourage building energy renovation, including tax credits for property owners. These credits can be offset against the personal income tax owed for energy efficiency improvements in homes. From 2021 to 2024, individuals can apply for tax credit when carrying out renovation works for reducing heating and cooling demand with a deduction percentage of 20% and a maximum of EUR 5 000, as well as for improving the consumption of non-renewable primary energy with a deduction percentage of 40% and a maximum of EUR 7 500 (Jefatura del Estado, 2022[36]).
Low-interest loans ensure long-term cost-effectiveness
While direct financial aid, such as grants and subsidies, can significantly reduce the upfront cost for renovations, it requires substantial public funds. Low-interest loans provide an effective alternative financing method for scaling up energy efficiency programmes, lessening the financial strain on public investment and ensuring long-term cost effectiveness and market transformation.
The Japan Housing Finance Agency (JHF) has initiated a low-interest “Green Renovation Loan” to support energy-saving renovations, offering financial assistance for renovation projects that enhance energy efficiency, such as improving heat insulation or installing energy-saving equipment. For renovations that significantly improve energy-saving performance, meeting the Zero Energy House (ZEH) standards, the interest rate on the loan is reduced. Loans can be issued up to JPY 5 million, with no collateral, guarantor, or financing fees required. The total construction cost, including other renovations, can also be up to JPY 5 million. Before construction begins, applicants must obtain a certificate of conformity and have their construction plan inspected to ensure compliance with requirements. Furthermore, a special repayment provision for the elderly is available, allowing monthly interest-only payments. The principal is repaid in a lump sum by the heirs or through the sale of collateral property upon the borrower’s death (Japanese Housing Finance Agency, n.d.[37]).
Financial support for low-income households is necessary
Decarbonising buildings measures can be costly especially for low-income households. Even if low-income households do not bear the financial cost of retrofit directly if they are renting the property, they might face significant rent increase following retrofit work. Against this backdrop, the revision of the EPBD mandates member states to establish National Building Renovation Plan. This plan should set out the national strategy to decarbonise the building stock while addressing barriers such as financing. In addition, the Social Climate Fund established under the European Grean Deal will mobilise EUR 86.7 billion for the period of 2026-2032 to support vulnerable households and small businesses with energy renovations as one of the two focus areas on structural measures (European Commission, 2024[16]).
France provides financial support for retrofit via MaPrimeRénov’ programme, which differs based on household income levels. MaPrimeRénov’ is a scheme designed to prioritise the installation of decarbonised heating or hot water systems, meaning those that operate using cleaner and more energy-efficient sources. It is possible to obtain MaPrimeRénov’ multiple times for different types of work within the same property (for instance, renovations on a different area of the property or for another piece of equipment), with a cap of EUR 20 000 for works per property over a five-year period. Funding is provided as a lump sum, which varies depending on the type of work, such as installing heat pumps or solar systems, and the income level of the household.
Additionally, MaPrimeRénov’ Parcours Accompagné is intended for more extensive renovations that achieve an improvement of at least two energy performance classes. It can cover up to EUR 70 000, with funding amounts depending on the cost of the work and the household’s income level. MaPrimeRénov’ Copropriété is aimed at the renovation of common areas in shared ownership buildings and collective work in private sections. Within this scheme, there is an individual bonus for each dwelling, providing EUR 3 000 for very low-income households and EUR 1 500 for low-income households. (Agence nationale de l’habitat, 2024[38]).
Furthermore, the United States’ Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund has a budget of USD 27 billion to mobilise finance and private capital for projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, particularly for low-income and disadvantaged communities. This fund was established as part of the Inflation Reduction Act, which was signed into law on 16 August 2022. It is comprised of three programmes: the National Clean Investment Fund, Clean Communities Investment Accelerator and Solar for All, which aim to finance clean technology deployment nationwide, support clean technology initiatives in low-income and disadvantaged communities, build the capacity of lenders serving communities and promote the adoption of distributed solar energy to lower energy bills for millions of Americans in low-income and disadvantages communities (EPA, 2024[39]). In addition, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) introduced direct financing schemes such as the Green and Resilient Retrofit Program in 2023 to enhance energy efficiency and climate resilience in HUD-assisted multifamily housing and affordable housing communities serving low-income families (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 2023[40]).
Similarly, Poland has implemented subsidies for entire building deep retrofits and heating or cooling system energy performance upgrades for people with low and average incomes. This should also help achieve the country’s quantitative targets for district heating, heat pumps and renewable energy as indicated in the Polish Resilience and Recovery Plan (Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy of Poland, 2022[41]).
Challenges for policy implementation
Copy link to Challenges for policy implementationEnsuring affordability of new measures is the primary challenge for decarbonising new buildings The introduction of regulations for new buildings entails significant hurdles, particularly concerning financial burdens. Compliance with stringent energy efficiency and whole-life carbon requirements may substantially increase construction costs, potentially making new developments financially prohibitive for developers and residents alike. 60% of responding countries identified the economic feasibility of new measures as a primary concern, underscoring the pervasive challenge of aligning regulatory requirements with financial constraints (Figure 2.13).
The efforts to decarbonise existing buildings are hindered by lack of standardised methodologies, financial costs and conflicts of interests
Decarbonising existing buildings requires the gradual elimination of worst-performing buildings. Currently, only 18% of responding countries have established Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) that require mandatory renovations of worst-performing buildings. The top three challenges to introducing MEPS identified by respondents are: i) the development of tailored methodologies and standards for diverse types of buildings (61%); ii) ensuring that the regulations do not impose financial burdens on building owners (54%); and iii) securing nationwide consensus on regulations for privately owned buildings (43%) (Figure 2.14).
Initiating retrofit projects in multi-owner buildings poses challenges due to varying interests among households sharing common spaces and utilities. This diversity of interests can hinder decision-making and consensus-building, impeding the implementation of retrofit measures. Additionally, financial barriers present a significant obstacle to decarbonising existing buildings. The costs associated with retrofitting may dissuade building owners from investing in energy efficiency improvements. Moreover, rental properties face additional complexities due to split incentives between owners and tenants. Owners may hesitate to invest in energy efficiency upgrades if the benefits primarily benefit tenants through reduced utility bills. Conversely, tenants may lack the authority or financial means to undertake retrofit projects independently. Addressing this disparity necessitates innovative financial mechanisms and collaborative approaches that align the interests of both parties, facilitating retrofits to enhance energy efficiency and sustainability in rental properties (Figure 2.15).
Current and future policy priorities
Copy link to Current and future policy prioritiesCurrently, countries have different policy priorities based on climate and building conditions
Heating and cooling variability due to climatic conditions
Several factors contribute to the diverse approaches taken by countries in terms of decarbonising buildings. For example, countries tailor their heating and cooling strategies according to their specific climatic conditions. Table 2.6 divides countries into three groups based on their priorities: i) countries that prioritise heating (i.e. Finland, Sweden); ii) countries with emphasis on both heating and cooling (i.e. Greece, Japan, Spain); and iii) countries that focus primarily on cooling (i.e. Brazil).
Per capita emissions from space heating and cooling vary significantly across countries, influenced by factors such as climate (represented by heating and cooling degree days), the energy performance of their heating and cooling systems in place. In general, countries prioritising heating tend to report considerably higher per capita emissions associated with space heating compared to those emphasising cooling (i.e. Germany, France, Finland). Conversely, countries focusing on both heating and cooling display comparable per capita emission levels for both space heating and cooling (i.e. Japan, Greece) (Figure 2.16).
Table 2.6. Clustering of countries according to heating or/and cooling priorities (current focus)
Copy link to Table 2.6. Clustering of countries according to heating or/and cooling priorities (current focus)
Priorities |
Country |
Heating |
Belgium (Flanders), Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States |
Heating & Cooling |
Colombia, Greece, Japan, Korea, Spain |
Cooling |
Brazil, Costa Rica, Ivory Coast, Israel, Mexico, Singapore, Thailand |
Source: OECD Global Survey on Buildings and Climate (2024)
Policy priorities regarding building decarbonisation are linked to building stock age and rates of construction
Countries such as Japan, Canada, and Mexico prioritise new buildings due to their relatively high rates of new construction, and comparatively fewer existing older buildings than other countries. In such countries, decarbonisation policies are essential to prevent the long-term lock-in of buildings dependent on fossil fuels, especially given their extended life expectancy. Conversely, other countries such as Finland, Italy and the United Kingdom prioritise existing buildings, as they have lower annual rates of construction and a significantly higher share of old residential buildings (Figure 2.17).
Existing buildings are particularly challenging in the EU as 65% of existing buildings were constructed before 1980 and buildings built before 1945 leak 5 times more energy than modern ones (Figure 2.18). Despite the challenges posed by their energy demand, some countries have made significant efforts to decarbonise buildings Countries such as Canada, Finland and Sweden have managed to reduce their heating emissions over the past two decades, although their colder climates naturally result in higher demands for heating (Figure 2.19).
76% of countries have reported that they will prioritise existing buildings over new ones in the future
Looking into the future, 76% of responding countries have indicated a shift in focus towards prioritising existing buildings. This marks a significant surge from the current share of 39%. Conversely, the proportion of surveyed countries that will prioritise interventions for new constructions in the future is set to decline, with only 19% compared to the current 43% (Figure 2.20).
Table 2.7. Country Policy priorities on new and existing buildings
Copy link to Table 2.7. Country Policy priorities on new and existing buildings
Country |
Current / Future |
New buildings |
Existing buildings |
New and existing buildings |
Belgium (Flanders) |
Current |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
Brazil |
Current |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
Canada |
Current |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
Colombia |
Current |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
Costa Rica |
Current |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
Côte d’Ivoire |
Current |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
Finland |
Current |
✔ |
Future |
France |
Current |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
Germany |
Current |
Future |
Greece |
Current |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
Iceland |
Current |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
Israel |
Current |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
Italy |
Current |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
Japan |
Current |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
Korea |
Current |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
Lithuania |
Current |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
Mexico |
Current |
Future |
Netherlands |
Current |
✔ |
Future |
Norway |
Current |
Future |
Philippines |
Current |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
Poland |
Current |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
Singapore |
Current |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
Spain |
Current |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
Sweden |
Current |
Future |
Switzerland |
Current |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
Thailand |
Current |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
United Kingdom |
Current |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
United States |
Current |
Future |
Percentage of responding countries |
Current |
43% (10/23) |
39% (9/23) |
17% (4/23) |
Percentage of responding countries |
Future |
19% (4/21) |
76% (16/21) |
5% (1/21) |
Note: Question from the survey: “What is the main target/priority on decarbonising building policies?”
Countries could select one option for each priority. Unchecked cells indicate that these options are not policy priorities.
Source: OECD Global Survey on Buildings and Climate (2024)
14% of responding countries are shifting their focus from heating to cooling
As global temperatures rise, access to cooling becomes increasingly vital. This shift in priority is reflected in several countries. Finland, France, Italy and the United Kingdom reported that cooling will become a priority in the future whereas the current priority focuses more on heating. Also, increasing number of countries (Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, France, Italy, Mexico, Singapore, Thailand and the United Kingdom) are emphasising passive design for cooling, with projections for its use rising from 21% to 32% in the future.
This trend is especially evident in European countries, as demonstrated by the significant rise in Cooling Degree Days (CDD) observed over last 40 years, indicating a growing demand for cooling (Figure 2.21).
However, this need for improved cooling isn’t uniform worldwide. South Asia and America, for example, have historically grappled with extreme heat, leading to significantly higher cooling demands compared to Europe. For this reason, among the nine countries prioritising passive design, only Singapore, Thailand and Costa Rica – all situated in tropical climates – are putting emphasis on cooling for both current and future priorities. Moreover, Figure 2.22 shows that Bangkok (Thailand) has cooling degree days roughly 80 times higher than Rome in 2022. Therefore, international co-operation is pivotal in sharing knowledge and experiences, as the dynamics of cooling and heating needs are evolving over time.
Countries are planning to focus on embodied carbon and the circularity of building materials in future policies
Our survey identifies a notable surge in the emphasis placed on embodied carbon and the circularity of building materials. The focus on embodied carbon has risen from 18% to 46%, alongside a substantial increase in prioritising circularity of building materials, rising from 14% to 64% (Figure 2.23).
Table 2.8. Short-term and long-term policy directions
Copy link to Table 2.8. Short-term and long-term policy directions
Country |
Current / Future |
Passive design to reduce heating demand |
Energy efficiency on heating |
Passive design to reduce cooling demand |
Energy efficiency on cooling |
Switching energy to sustainable energy |
Renewable energy |
Embodied carbon |
Circularity of building materials |
Belgium (Flanders) |
Current |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Brazil |
Current |
✔ |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Canada |
Current |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Colombia |
Current |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Costa Rica |
Current |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Côte d’Ivoire |
Current |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
Finland |
Current |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
France |
Current |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Germany |
Current |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Greece |
Current |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
✔ |
Iceland |
Current |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Israel |
Current |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
Italy |
Current |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Japan |
Current |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Korea |
Current |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Lithuania |
Current |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Mexico |
Current |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Netherlands |
Current |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Norway |
Current |
✔ |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
✔ |
Philippines |
Current |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Poland |
Current |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Singapore |
Current |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Spain |
Current |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
✔ |
Sweden |
Current |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Switzerland |
Current |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Thailand |
Current |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
United Kingdom |
Current |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Future |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
United States |
Current |
Future |
Percentage of responding countries |
Current |
36% (10/28) |
64% (18/28) |
21% (6/28) |
36% (10/28) |
32% (9/28) |
61% (17/28) |
18% (5/28) |
14% (4/28) |
Percentage of responding countries |
Future |
11% (3/28) |
25% (7/28) |
32% (9/28) |
21% (6/28) |
18% (5/28) |
46% (13/28) |
46% (13/28) |
64% (18/28) |
Note: Question from the survey: “Among the options below, which are the main targets/priorities on building policies?”
The responding countries could choose three options respectively for current and future priorities. Unchecked cells indicate that these options are not policy priorities.
Source: OECD Global Survey on Buildings and Climate (2024)
Climate resilience is of increasing importance as buildings face escalating risks due to climate change
While climate change mitigation requires a reduction of carbon emissions generated throughout the life cycle process of buildings, creating a climate-proof built environment is equally important to accelerate adaptation to climate change. Adaptative measures are notably necessary given that buildings are capital-intensive and long-lasting assets exposed to multiple climate risks, affecting building structures, materials, indoor climate and energy use.
A spectrum of climate-related disasters, including storms, cyclones, flooding, wildfires and heat waves, present a significant risk to buildings. Countries are experiencing a growing need for cooling to combat extreme heat, exacerbated by climate change. For example, the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) indicates that in 2022, the global average surface temperature was 0.34°C higher than the 1991-2020 period (Copernicus Climate Change Services (C3S), 2024[42]). Extreme temperatures due to climate change have tangible impacts on buildings, leading structural damage, higher maintenance costs, and shortened lifespan of buildings, as well as reduced comfort and increased health risks for inhabitants. For example, residents in Japan reported lower blood pressure following thermal insulation retrofits in buildings (Umishio et al., 2022[43]). This requires the integration of climate considerations into building design and construction to ensure resilience against future climate scenarios.
The urgent need for energy-efficient and climate-resilient buildings has been recognised by governments throughout the world. Against this backdrop, there is a growing emphasis on fostering international collaborations and policy exchanges aimed at advancing the construction of near-zero emission and climate-resilient buildings. Launched by France, Morocco, and UNEP at COP28, the Buildings Breakthrough initiative strives to promote and make near-zero emission climate-resilient buildings the new normal by 2030. The Chaillot Declaration, emerging from the first ever Buildings and Climate Global Forum held in March 2024, stands as a testament to the shared commitment of 70 countries to decarbonise and bolster the climate resilience of buildings.
Governments throughout the world have employed a variety of policy instruments to respond to climate- risks in their respective countries and local contexts. These instruments encompass a spectrum of measures, including more stringent regulations and standards on the built environment supported by ambitious climate resilience plans and incentives to climate-proof the existing building stock and new developments. Additionally, building certification programmes and national climate databases that are accessible to the public are also valuable tools.
Regulations and standards for climate resilience
The OECD Global Survey on Buildings and Climate (2024) demonstrates that respondents employ a range of regulations and standards to bolster the climate resilience of buildings. In particular, 25% of countries have established a range of building regulations to tackle extreme heat (Table 2.9), amongst which green roofs and orienting main building facades away from direct sunlight are the most popular (Table 2.10). 21% of the respondents have established regulations to protect buildings from floods and storms (Table 2.9). Hip-roofs and defining the lowest livable floor above ground level are the primary regulatory measures (Table 2.11).
Table 2.9. Countries with climate resilience measures for buildings
Copy link to Table 2.9. Countries with climate resilience measures for buildings
Extreme heat |
Floods/storms |
Regulations |
Costa Rica, France, Italy, Japan, Poland, Singapore, the United Kingdom |
Costa Rica, France, Japan, Poland, Spain, Sweden |
25% (7/28) |
21% (6/28) |
Financial incentives |
Costa Rica, France, Italy, Japan, Korea, Poland, Singapore, the United States |
Costa Rica, France, Japan, Sweden, the United States |
29% (8/28) |
18% (5/28) |
Note: The figure consolidates the responses to the questions from the survey: “What kind of measures are put in place in the building sector to tackle extreme heat?”, “What kind of measures are put in place in the building sector to tackle storms/floods?” The responding countries could select all applicable options.
Source: OECD Global Survey on Buildings and Climate (2024)
Table 2.10. Types of climate resilience measures to tackle extreme heat
Copy link to Table 2.10. Types of climate resilience measures to tackle extreme heat
Orientation of main building facades away from direct sunlight to minimise solar gains |
Light coloured and reflective materials |
Green roof |
Green facades |
Regulation |
Costa Rica, Japan, Poland, Singapore, the United Kingdom |
Costa Rica, Italy, Singapore |
Costa Rica, France, Italy, Japan, Singapore |
Costa Rica, Japan, Singapore |
18% (5/28) |
11% (3/28) |
18% (5/28) |
11% (3/28) |
Financial incentives |
Costa Rica, Singapore |
Costa Rica, France, Korea, Singapore, the United States |
Costa Rica, Italy, Japan, Korea, Poland, Singapore, the United States |
Costa Rica, Japan, Korea, Poland, Singapore, the United States |
7% (2/28) |
18% (5/28) |
25% (7/28) |
21% (6/28) |
Note: Question from the survey: “What kind of measures are put in place in the building sector to tackle extreme heat?” The responding countries could select all applicable options.
Source: OECD Global Survey on Buildings and Climate (2024)
Table 2.11. Types of climate resilience measures to protect buildings from floods/storms
Copy link to Table 2.11. Types of climate resilience measures to protect buildings from floods/storms
Lowest liveable floor elevated above ground level |
Effective roof drainage system |
Hip-roof |
Hurricane straps to fasten the roof to the walls |
Impact-resistant glass for windows and doors |
Installation of backup generators |
Installation of microgrids |
Regulation |
Costa Rica, France, Japan, Poland, Sweden |
France |
Costa Rica, Japan, Poland, Sweden |
France, Japan |
Costa Rica |
/ |
/ |
18% (5/28) |
4% (1/28) |
14% (4/28) |
7% (2/28) |
4% (1/28) |
0% (0/28) |
0% (0/28) |
Financial incentives |
Costa Rica, Sweden, the United States |
Poland |
Costa Rica, France, Sweden |
France, the United States |
Costa Rica, France, the United States |
Japan, the United States |
Japan, the United States |
11% (3/28) |
4% (1/28) |
11% (3/28) |
7% (2/28) |
11% (3/28) |
7% (2/28) |
7% (2/28) |
Note: Question from the survey: “What kind of measures are put in place in the building sector to tackle storms/floods?” The responding countries could select all applicable options.
Source: OECD Global Survey on Buildings and Climate (2024)
Colombia uses building codes to address the challenges posed by heatwaves, particularly those affecting coastal areas and the eastern lowlands. In 2015, Colombia’s Ministry of Housing, City, and Territory launched the Sustainable Construction Guide for Water and Energy Saving in Buildings, following the Decree 1285 on sustainable construction. The guide established technical parameters and design standards for passive cooling measures in the design of public buildings and renovated buildings. It also detailed strategies for minimising heat gain, enhancing insulation and defined standards for natural ventilation, window-to-wall ratios, orientation and shading (Ministry of Housing, City, and Territory of Colombia, 2015[44]).
Facing similar threats from rising temperatures, Singapore adopted a government inter-agency working group in 2019 co-led by the Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment and the Urban Redevelopment Authority, to implement initiatives that address urban heat island effects. Key initiatives implemented in the city-state include incorporating climate-sensitive measures into urban design. Via environmental and building energy modelling, these policies aim to optimise shading and wind flow, enhance urban greenery and adopt “cool materials” on public housing buildings (Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment; Urban Redevelopment Authority, n.d.[45]; Institute of High Performance Computing, 2023[46]; Housing and Development Board, n.d.[47]).
In addition, the Landscaping for Urban Spaces and High-rises (LUSH) programme grants gross floor area (GFA) exemptions for incorporating green features within construction projects. These features include sky terraces, communal planter boxes, ground gardens, and pavilions within landscaped areas. By 2017, two out of three new residential developments and half of the new offices, shopping centres and hotels in Singapore had taken up a LUSH incentive scheme. LUSH 3.0, the latest phase of the scheme, expands the programme to include urban farming, communal rooftop gardens, greenery and solar panels on rooftops (Urban Redevelopment Authority, 2017[48]).
In 2022, the United Kingdom introduced a new regulation to address rising temperatures through limiting unwanted solar gains in the summer and removing excess heat from the indoor environment of newly constructed residential buildings. The regulation is implemented through two assessment methods – the Simplified method and the Dynamic Thermal Modelling Method – which target buildings without communal heating and all types of buildings respectively. These methods help minimise heat gains in buildings by tailoring glazing area to factors such as location, orientation and shading. In addition, the regulation mandates passive design compliance and promotes strategies to reduce excess heat such as fixed shading devices (shutters, blinds, overhangs, awnings), window opening and wall-mounted ventilation louvres. Mechanical cooling can only be used where passive measures are insufficient (Department for Levelling Up, 2022[49]).
France also aims for improved thermal comfort in buildings during the summer. Its most recent environmental regulation for buildings, the RE2020 (Box 2.1), addresses the issue (Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, 2021[50]) through implementing a new summer comfort indicator. The new indicator is based on the number of summer discomfort degree hours (Degré-heure d’inconfort, DH) in a year, considering the climate and heat wave data from the country’s meteorological service over the period between 2000 and 2018 (Ministry of Ecological Transition, 2024[51]).
Similarly, in 2017, Finland introduced the Decree on the energy efficiency of new buildings (1010/2017), which mandates that during the summer months, the calculated room temperature in blocks of flats must not surpass the cooling limit of +27°C and +25°C in non-residential buildings. The regulation sets a threshold of 150 degree hours between 1 June and 31 August. It ensures the summer comfort in new buildings by limiting their accumulated degree hours during the warmest months, given that the building design incorporates ventilation air flows. (Ministry of Environment in Finland, n.d.[52]).
Box 2.1. France’s RE2020 environmental regulation for summer comfort in buildings
Copy link to Box 2.1. France’s RE2020 environmental regulation for summer comfort in buildingsRE2020, or Réglementation Environnementale 2020, is the energy and environmental regulation governing all new construction in France, which came into effect in January 2022. Overall, RE2020 sets ambitious standards for sustainability and environmental performance in new construction, aiming to reshape the future living spaces of French residents with a focus on energy efficiency, reduced carbon emissions and enhanced comfort.
This regulation is designed to address three primary objectives:
Energy Sufficiency and Decarbonisation of Energy: RE2020 aims to promote energy efficiency and reduce reliance on carbon-intensive energy sources. It encourages the use of renewable energy and efficient building practices to minimise energy consumption.
Reduction in Carbon Impact: The regulation targets a significant reduction in the carbon footprint of new buildings. This includes measures to limit greenhouse gas emissions throughout the life cycle of the buildings, from construction through occupancy.
Guaranteeing Comfort in Hot Weather: RE2020 prioritises ensuring comfortable living conditions during periods of high temperatures. This involves incorporating strategies for natural ventilation, shading and efficient cooling systems in building designs.
Among the three objectives, thermal comfort in buildings during the summer months is the priority. This is due to the increasing frequency and intensity of heatwaves in France over the past two decades. The regulations mandate the use of passive cooling solutions and the design of buildings to maximise natural ventilation and shading, ensuring that occupants remain comfortable even under extreme temperatures.
RE2020 introduces a new summer comfort indicator, based on summer discomfort degree hours (Degré-heure d’inconfort, DH) in a year, to regulate new building designs and encourage passive cooling. This aspect of the regulation reflects a holistic approach to sustainability, whereby the environmental impact of a building is considered to extend beyond its energy use and carbon footprint to include the well-being of its inhabitants.
A dwelling is considered uncomfortable when its indoor temperature exceeds the threshold set between 26°C and 28°C during the day (varies as the capacity of human body to adapt to higher temperatures is considered) and 26°C at night. Each hour of temperature exceedance is then quantified and cumulated to define the level of discomfort in the home. The plan sets a bottom threshold of 350 DH, and a ceiling of 1250 DH or above. The indicator considers any building without an additional cooling system that has a DH value of less than 350 as adequately comfortable even in heat waves. However, buildings without air-conditioning that have a DH value between 350 and 1250 are subject to a “cooling charge”, which is proportional to degree hours and is modulated according to the building’s geographical location. This additional charge is added to the RE2020 energy indicator, called the primary energy co-efficient (Coefficient d’Énergie Primaire, CEP) of the building. Buildings that exceed the ceiling are deemed non-compliant and their design must be reviewed (Ministry of Ecological Transition, 2024[51]). The ceiling may vary depending on factors like climate zone, noise pollution, or the presence of air conditioning.
The DH indicator aims to anticipate cooling consumption according to the level of discomfort experienced by the resident, should they decide to install active cooling equipment, such as air conditioning, following the construction of a building. This also encourages the passive design of buildings, such as thermal insulation against heat, night-time ventilation, shade louvres and fans, to minimise the DH indicator and enhance summer comfort (Cerema, 2021[53]). The regulation encourages the installation of air ventilation systems and the installation of external solar protection particularly in the south of France.
Countries are also adopting building resilience initiatives to protect buildings from other extreme climate conditions, like more frequent extreme storms. For example, Japan revised its Buildings Standards Act in 2022 to strengthen the hurricane straps regulations in the aftermath of the Typhoon Faxai in 2019, which was the strongest since 2004 (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan, 2024[54]; Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan, 2020[55]). The revised Act mandates that all new construction and additions to existing buildings must implement protective measures against strong winds, including securing all roof tiles with nails. The revision introduced more rigorous standards for fastening the flat surfaces of roof tiles, particularly in areas with higher standard wind speeds. (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan, n.d.[56]). In response to storms and floods, the Buildings Standard Act specifies that the first floor of wooden buildings must be elevated at least 45 cm above the ground and must incorporate ventilation beneath the floor (Tomohiro, 2013[57]). Japanese municipalities have the authority to create district plans that specify the minimum elevation of the lowest habitable floor above ground level which can be adjusted to local conditions. (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan, 2003[58]). This ensures that new developments are designed to adapt to the local climate and environment, making buildings more resilient to climate-related risks.
Financial incentives for climate resilience
Providing financial incentives facilitates adaptation measures and the transition towards near-zero emission and climate-resilient buildings. The OECD Global Survey on Buildings and Climate (2024) reveals that 29% of the responding countries offer financial incentives for the building sector to address extreme heat, and 18% have financial incentives in place to encourage the adoption of protective measures against floods and storms (Table 2.9). To tackle heat waves, 25% of responding countries have implemented financial incentives to promote the use of green roofs, while 21% have introduced financial incentives to encourage the installation of green facades (Table 2.10). To protect buildings from storms, 11 % of responding countries reported that there are financial incentives in place to encourage the use of hip-roof and impact-resistant glass for windows and doors (Table 2.11).
France introduced a EUR 2.5 billion Green Fund (Fonds vert) in 2023 with tailored financial incentives for subnational governments and social housing providers to make public buildings, social housing, and urban spaces more climate-resilient (Ministry of Ecological Transition, 2023[59]). The fund offers support for fortifying buildings against threats like cyclones and floods (Ministry of Ecological Transition, 2024[60]). Moreover, vulnerability assessments to floodings and renovation efforts of public buildings can be finances through this scheme, along with initiatives aimed at mitigating flood risks that fall outside the scope of current Natural Risks Prevention Plans (PPRN) or Flooding Prevention Action Programmes (PAPI) (Ministry of Ecological Transition, 2024[61]).
The Green Fund also allocates EUR 500 million to support projects aimed at greening urban spaces by financing green roofs, facades and other nature-based solutions (Ministry of Ecological Transition, 2024[62]). Furthermore, projects improving summer comfort become eligible for support from the Green Fund, which assists local authorities in renovating public buildings to be suitable for current and future climates (Ministry of Ecological Transition, 2024[63]).
Japan has introduced financial incentives aimed at facilitating adherence to its updated building standards. Specifically targeting individuals and households, an initiative adopted in 2021 seeks to promote the identification and upgrading of wind-resistant roof tiles. To facilitate compliance, a subsidy of up to JPY 31 500 per building is offered for a diagnostic check by a technician. Additionally, a significant financial aid of up to JPY 24 000 per square meter, capped at JPY 2 400 000 per building, is provided for the replacement of non-conforming roof tiles. This initiative is specifically targeted at regions with an average wind speed of 32 m/s or higher, ensuring that buildings are better equipped to withstand adverse weather conditions (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan, n.d.[56]).
Databases for climate resilience
Climate risk databases are a useful tool to disseminate information and raise public awareness on environmental hazards. Governments can leverage the wealth of climate data collected by public meteorological agencies and public service departments at different geographical levels to better inform the citizens and the building sector about the potential impact of climate risks on buildings. As a result, building owners and developers can better understand the types of climate risks facing their buildings and take informed decisions regarding future construction and renovation.
The OECD Global Survey on Buildings and Climate (2024) enquired whether national governments provide a publicly available geographic database where citizens can have access to information on climate risks, which is the case for, 21 out of the 28 responding countries. The survey revealed that 71% of the responding countries have a public database for flood risk information, while 36% of the countries have a public database for heat wave risks and 32% have one for wildfires. However, only 4% of the responding countries have a public database for storm risks. Additionally, 25% of the countries reported having other types of public climate risk databases, while 25% of the countries do not currently have any publicly available climate risk databases (Table 2.12). Regarding the geographical granularity of the data, a third of the 21 countries with a public climate risk database provide data at the regional level (such as state or prefecture), 29% provide data at the local level (city or municipality), 18% offer data at the neighborhood level, 14% have household level data and 7% provide data at other specified levels (Table 2.12).
Table 2.12. Publicly available geographic database with climate risks information
Copy link to Table 2.12. Publicly available geographic database with climate risks information
Country |
Climate risks |
Available geographical level of the database |
Heat wave |
Flood risk |
Storm |
Wildfire |
Other |
Regional (state/province/prefecture) |
Local (city/municipality) |
Neighbourhood |
Household |
Other |
Belgium |
✔ |
✔ |
Brazil |
Canada |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Colombia |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Costa Rica |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Côte d’Ivoire |
Finland |
✔ |
✔ |
France |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Germany |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Greece |
Iceland |
Israel |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Italy |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Japan |
✔ |
✔ |
Korea |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Lithuania |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Mexico |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Netherlands |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Norway |
✔ |
✔ |
Philippines |
Poland |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Singapore |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Spain |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Sweden |
✔ |
✔ |
Switzerland |
Thailand |
United Kingdom |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
United States |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Percentage of responding countries |
39% (11/28) |
71% (20/28) |
7% (2/28) |
32% (9/28) |
25% (7/28) |
32% (9/28) |
29% (8/28) |
18% (5/28) |
14% (4/28) |
7% (2/28) |
Note: Question from the survey: “Does your government provide a publicly available geographic database where people can have access to information on climate risks? If you answered Yes to the previous question, what are the available geographical level of this database?” The responding countries could select all applicable options. Unchecked cells indicate that no public database is available on these climate risks/at these geographical levels.
Source: OECD Global Survey on Buildings and Climate (2024)
Countries provide public databases tailored to their unique climate conditions and the accessibility of data. Canada’s climate risk data is comprehensive and accessible through various databases, each focusing on different types of environmental hazards. Natural Resources Canada and the Canadian Open Government Portal provide detailed mapping services of flood-prone areas across the country. This includes the Canada Flood Map Inventory, a collection of flood hazard map throughout Canada; the Flood Susceptibility Index, a national map indicating flood susceptibility or flood-prone areas based on historical flood event patterns as predicted by an ensemble machine learning model; and Floods in Canada, featuring flood extent maps developed in near-real time using satellite imagery for emergency response (Natural Resources Canada, 2023[64]). The Canadian Wildland Fire Information System (CWFIS) offers real-time and historical wildfire information through an interactive map (Canadian Wildland Fire Information System, n.d.[65]). Access to climate risk data can provide building owners and developers with insights into their buildings’ climate resilience and vulnerability of their properties to various hazards.
Germany’s approach to climate risk data is multifaceted, with databases focusing on specific hazards such as flood risk, drought, and extreme heat. Notably, the Federal Agency of Cartography and Geodesy (Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie) provides a Digital Heat Atlas with detailed information on heat wave patterns and urban heat island effects. This serves as useful tool for building owners especially in densely populated urban areas (Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie, 2023[66]).
Japan’s Hazard Map Portal Site serves not only as a repository of real-time and historical climate risk data but also as a tool for managing and designing climate-resilient buildings at regional and municipal levels. One of the key features of the portal is its ability to offer detailed information about the expected duration, scale, and estimated damage of floods at the household level. This level of detail is crucial for building owners and residents to make informed decisions. Furthermore, the portal offers a Town Hazard Map, enabling users to access hazard maps from local governments across Japan (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan, n.d.[67]). The Hazard Map Portal Site stands out as a model of how data availability across multiple geographical levels can significantly enhance natural disaster prevention efforts, as well as raising public awareness about the importance of making buildings climate-proof.
Digital technology can help address data fragmentation for greater innovation, efficiency and sustainability in buildings
The integration of digital technologies throughout the building lifecycle – including strategic planning, initial design, engineering, development, documentation and construction, day-to-day operation, maintenance, refurbishment, repair and end-of-life – offers a profound opportunity for the decarbonisation of the building sector (UK Green Building Council, 2019[68]). Several technologies can help mitigate problems arising from the complexity of data due to the involvement of a wide range of parties.
Fragmentation in the building industry remains a significant barrier to lowering carbon emissions. Issues arise from limited data availability, compatibility and consistency, coupled with the increased temporal and financial costs associated with reconstructing lost datasets. Data frequently gets lost during transitions or handovers due to inadequate systematic data management practices, while storage remains dispersed across organisations. In some instances, crucial data is never generated due to unrecognised needs (European Construction Sector Observatory, 2021[69]).
Digital technologies have emerged as crucial tools in bridging these data and information fragmentation issues within the building industry. By implementing Energy Performance Monitoring and Reporting Systems, Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Integrated Data Platforms (IDP), the industry can enhance innovative solutions, efficiency, and sustainability. Moreover, digital technologies significantly drive innovation by enabling new methodologies and solutions that were previously unattainable, allowing the sector to achieve higher levels of performance.
Energy Performance Monitoring and Reporting Systems are essential tools for tracking and analysing energy consumption, providing detailed insights into energy use critical for discovering inefficiencies and optimising energy management. These systems encompass various technologies and methodologies, including real-time monitoring, smart meters, data analytics, and comprehensive reporting programs (U.S. Department of Energy, 2022[70]).
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is an advanced technology that relies on various software tools used in construction that creates a 3D digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of a building. This software provides professionals the tools and insights to more efficiently plan, design and build infrastructure (FHWA, 2022[71]).
Integrated Data Platforms (IDP) specifically focus on integrating and managing data from various sources, ensuring that data from different stages and stakeholders in the building sector is harmonised and easily accessible. Unlike BIM, which relies on specific software, these platforms operate on cloud infrastructure, allowing users to access and manage data through web interfaces. This web-based approach enhances transparency and decision-making by providing a unified view of all relevant data streams (NREL, 2021[72]).
According to the OECD Global Survey on Buildings and Climate (2024), about 29% of responding countries indicated that their national governments are promoting Building Information Modelling (BIM) together with subnational governments for building permits and certificates. Another about 23% reported having a national database or data platform for buildings and cities, which includes built environment-related data, in collaboration with subnational governments. Furthermore, approximately 6% mentioned that only sub-national governments are working on BIM or data on buildings in cities. Conversely, about 29% of countries stated that their government does not work on promoting digital/data tools related to buildings with subnational governments (Figure 2.24).
Moreover, by leveraging the digital twin concept – a virtual representation that serves as the real-time counterpart of a physical object or process – industry leaders and policy makers can now use data and analytics to influence decisions affecting environmental performance, operational costs and life cycle assessments (Centre for Digital Built Britain, 2018[73]).
Energy performance monitoring and reporting systems
Energy performance monitoring and reporting systems, along with real-time data collection technologies, are pivotal in the building sector’s efforts to decarbonise buildings. By capturing detailed data on energy and resource consumption, these systems provide detailed, actionable insights into building operations. This information is crucial for identifying inefficiencies, maintaining regulatory compliance, and adjusting energy demand profiles to enhance sustainability. Offering continuous feedback, energy monitoring systems empower consumers with visualisations of their energy usage, fostering greater awareness and promoting energy-efficient behaviours (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2019[74]) . These systems not only contribute to substantial energy savings but also improve the overall marketability of properties by validating their energy efficiency standards.
Governments recognise the potential of these technologies in achieving ambitious decarbonisation targets. Energy performance monitoring and reporting systems enable precise tracking and reduction of buildings’ carbon footprints, making them indispensable for data-driven policy making and environmental compliance. Complementing these systems, real-time management technologies such as smart grids and demand response systems actively adjust energy usage based on real-time data. This dynamic approach enhances grid reliability, reduces peak loads, and integrates renewable energy sources more effectively (European Commission, 2023[75]). Together, these strategies represent a comprehensive toolkit for building decarbonisation, offering both immediate and long-term benefits for energy management and sustainability.
In the United States, the Department of Energy’s “Decarbonizing the U.S. Economy by 2050” blueprint aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions from buildings by 65% by 2035 and 90% by 2050 compared to 2005 levels. This strategy focuses on both residential and commercial buildings and involves integrating advanced digital technologies and real-time demand response systems to optimise energy consumption and integrate renewable energy sources. (U.S. Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, n.d.[76]). Key components include smart grids to improve electricity management, grid-edge technologies for efficient electricity demand, and energy storage solutions to enhance resilience and flexibility. Economic incentives such as low-interest loans, grants, tax credits, and deductions are offered to promote the adoption of these technologies, especially in disadvantaged communities. Pilot projects and R&D funding further support innovation in building energy management. The implementation is phased with milestones in 2030, 2040 and 2050, focusing initially on reducing technology costs and raising public awareness, then scaling high-impact solutions, and finally completing the transition with retrofits and addressing residual emissions from building operations and materials.
The European Commission’s Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/2155 for Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) is a regulatory method designed to rate the smart readiness of both residential and non-residential buildings. The SRI assesses buildings’ ability to interact with occupants and the energy grid, evaluating systems such as heating, hot water, ventilation and lighting to raise awareness of smart technologies. These technologies include building automation systems for HVAC control, smart lighting systems, advanced metering infrastructure, demand response technologies, and energy storage solutions. The benefits include improved energy efficiency, enhanced comfort, increased property value, reduced environmental impact and regulatory compliance (European Comission, 2020[77]).
The SRI framework includes provisions for periodic reviews and updates to ensure it remains relevant and effective. These updates may involve refining assessment criteria, incorporating new smart technologies, and enhancing methodologies for evaluating buildings’ smart readiness. This ongoing development aims to keep pace with technological advancements and evolving energy efficiency standards, ensuring that the SRI continues to effectively promote the integration of smart technologies in buildings.
Similarly, the city of London’s “Be Seen”’ energy monitoring programme establishes a structured framework for monitoring and reporting the energy performance of new major developments throughout the building’s lifecycle. As part of the London Plan 2021 aiming for a zero-carbon city by 2050, the programme mandates the submission of detailed energy consumption data of residential and non-residential newly built and existing developments undergoing renovation at three different stages: the planning stage, the as-built stage, and the in-use stage.
In the planning stage, data on energy consumption estimation is required to establish benchmarks and expectations.
For the as-built stage, updates based on actual construction outcomes are submitted, including specifics about metering infrastructure and their technical calibration.
Once operational, in the in-use stage, actual energy usage data is reported annually for minimum of five years, potentially extending to ten years to enhance accuracy and utility of data collected (Greater London Authority, 2021[78]).
The structured timeline for data submission – from planning to long-term usage – allows stakeholders to track performance continuously and implement necessary adjustments to enhance energy efficiency. The information provided will guide and shape future policy by identifying additional measures to reduce emissions further. This systematic tracking not only helps in adhering to environmental regulations but also promotes economic benefits through operational cost savings and improves the overall marketability of properties due to the verification of those properties’ energy efficiency standards (Greater London Authority, 2021[79]).
Building Information Modelling (BIM)
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a digital technology supported by a range of software tools that enhance the construction, maintenance, and management phases of building lifecycles by creating detailed 3D representations of buildings. These tools enable precise architectural design, simulations, and evaluations, optimising both design and construction processes. BIM is more than a tool for initial planning; it plays a crucial role in addressing sustainability challenges in the construction industry, particularly through its contributions to Life Cycle Carbon Assessment (LCA) and building decarbonisation. By integrating with LCA, BIM enables detailed analyses of energy use and environmental impacts across all phases of a building’s lifecycle, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of environmental impact assessments (EU BIM Taskgroup, 2018[80]). Additionally, BIM facilitates the sharing and collaboration of information throughout the building’s lifecycle, allowing stakeholders to model the effects of decisions such as building orientation, material selection, and energy systems (European Commission, 2021[81]).
Globally, there is a spectrum of strategies to integrate BIM. In Japan, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism (MLIT) is actively promoting BIM implementation through incentives. Recognising BIM’s potential to improve efficiency and quality in building projects, the Japanese government provides significant economic support, with a focus on small and medium-sized businesses. It offers subsidies under the BIM Acceleration Projects, demonstrating a strong commitment to drive BIM adoption across the construction sector (Japanese Ministry of Land Infrastructure Transport and Tourism, 2021[82]). BIM in Japan focuses on optimising the entire building lifecycle, enhancing data management and operational efficiency. This approach reduces long-term costs and environmental impacts while promoting better regulatory compliance. (MLIT, 2019[83]).
On the other hand, countries such as Denmark require the use of BIM to strengthen their construction industries’ adherence to environmental regulations. The national building regulation BR18 serves as the cornerstone of Denmark’s BIM framework, which includes rigorous lifecycle assessments and mandatory documentation of the climate impact of new buildings (Danish Social and Housing Authority, n.d.[84]). Starting from January 2023, BR18 requires detailed documentation of a building’s environmental impact throughout its lifecycle, from material production to construction, replacements and end-of-life stages. As per the current regulations, the limit value for the building’s climate impact is 12 kg CO2-equivalents per m² per year. Starting from 2025, this limit will be tightened further to enforce stricter sustainability standards. To comply with these requirements, the architecture, engineering and construction industries use software tools that ensure data accuracy and support interoperability through open standards such as the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) format, enabling seamless data exchange between different BIM software systems (Danish Authority of Social Services and Housing, 2023[85]).
While the use of BIM is not explicitly mandated for lifecycle assessment calculations or building permit applications across all projects, it is widely utilised and integrated into the Danish construction process, particularly for public sector projects. The Information and Communication Technology “ICT” regulations, effective since 2007 and updated in 2011, require the use of BIM for larger public sector construction projects that are fully or partially funded by the government and exceed DKK 5 million. This indicates a strong governmental push towards BIM adoption in public construction to improve data sharing, project co-ordination, and lifecycle management of building projects, ensuring that all stakeholders have access to the latest project information, which helps in reducing errors, saving costs and enhancing overall project outcomes. (Danish Building and Property Agency, n.d.[86]). This approach facilitates accessibility and interoperability, ensuring that data can be easily shared and utilised across various platforms and stakeholders.
Sweden is progressively moving towards the widespread use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) through a combination of legislative frameworks and strategic initiatives. The country has established comprehensive regulations for climate declarations via Act (2021:787), Ordinance (2021:789), and Provision (BFS2021:7), effective from January 2022. These regulations mandate detailed environmental reporting for new buildings but do not explicitly require the use of BIM. However, BIM is strongly encouraged through guidelines and programs such as the Nationella Riktlinjer and the Smart Built Environment program, which aim to enhance transparency, efficiency and sustainability in construction (Nordic Innovation, 2023[87]).
Additionally, the “BIM i staten” initiative involves five state-owned developers – Specialfastigheter, Akademiska Hus, Riksdagsförvaltningen, Statens Fastighetsverk and Fortifikationsverket. These agencies have developed a unified strategy and guidelines for implementing BIM in their projects and management practices, emphasising sustainability and decarbonisation. Specific initiatives utilising BIM technology include optimising energy efficiency, conducting environmental impact analyses, and supporting energy simulations to reduce carbon footprints. The targeted projects encompass a wide range of public buildings, including educational institutions, military facilities, government offices, and special purpose properties. These buildings vary in size from small renovations to new large-scale constructions, ensuring that the benefits of BIM are applied across diverse property types. This strategy, supported by continuous development through pilot projects and facilitated by BIM Alliance Sweden, highlights Sweden’s commitment to a sustainable and efficient construction sector through collaborative efforts and the sharing of best practices (BIM Alliance Sweden, n.d.[88]).
The Spanish government’s Interministerial Commission for the Incorporation of the BIM Methodology in Public Procurement (CIBIM) initiated “El Plan BIM en la Contratación Pública” (The BIM Plan in Public Procurement) to enhance public expenditure efficiency and catalyse the digital transformation of the construction sector. Digitalisation in the construction sector contributes to greater accuracy in material ordering and an optimised simulation of energy studies, resulting in lower energy demand and lower consequent greenhouse gas emissions from the built environment. The plan outlines a phased adoption of BIM from 2024 to 2030, varying by the contract’s value and targeted BIM levels – ranging from pre-BIM to integrated (Spanish Ministry of Transport Mobility and Urban Agenda, 2023[89]).
These diverse approaches not only underscore the importance of BIM in modernising construction practices but also reflect different national strategies to leverage technology in meeting sustainability goals. Japan’s incentivised approach facilitates a gradual adoption, making it accessible to smaller enterprises facing high initial costs. In contrast, the enforced or strongly encouraged frameworks in Nordic countries and Spain emphasise strict compliance and standardisation, ensuring that all new constructions adhere to stringent environmental and operational protocols. By combining these methods, countries can provide comprehensive support for BIM adoption – balancing the encouragement of innovation through incentives with the assurance of compliance through regulations. This dual approach supports technological advancement while ensuring the construction sector’s alignment with global sustainability objectives.
Integrated data platforms
Integrated data platforms unify and streamline data management across the construction sector. These web-based specialised tools have become central to the decarbonisation and digitalisation of the construction industry. Unlike Energy performance monitoring and reporting systems, which focus on capturing real-time data on energy and resource consumption, and BIM, which creates detailed 3D models for design and construction, integrated data platforms consolidate data from various sources into a single, accessible system. Operating on cloud infrastructure, these platforms facilitate the collection and analysis of vast amounts of data and enhance collaboration among stakeholders (European Construction Sector Observatory, 2021[90]).
In Finland, the Project Ryhti aims to compile and store data created in permit procedures in a coherent and accessible form through a national built environment information system. Supported by the EU’s Digital Building Logbook initiative, this project emphasises the importance of interoperable planning and building data accessible through interfaces and download services. Project Ryhti benefits building owners and users, improves building maintenance and enhances municipalities’ decision-making. Additionally, it aids in environmental sustainability by facilitating easier monitoring and assessment of carbon footprints, contributing to Finland’s goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2035 (Finnish Ministry of the Environment, n.d.[91]).
Similarly, Flanders, Belgium, has implemented the Woningpas platform, a digital building passport that serves as a comprehensive repository for a multitude of data points that span the entire lifecycle of a building. Woningpas combines administrative documentation, technical and functional characteristics, and energy performance metrics for every building. Implemented as a one-stop-shop for data centralisation, it has become a cornerstone in Belgium’s strategy for sustainable renovation, energy management and climate resilience (Vlaamse overheid, n.d.[92]).
In France, the Base de Données Nationale des Bâtiments (BDNB) represents a significant leap forward in the digital transformation of the construction sector. This innovative platform supports real-time sharing and monitoring of building performance data. BDNB organises data at the individual building level, featuring files for over 27 million residential and tertiary buildings. The platform is the result of geospatial cross-referencing from approximately twenty databases sourced from various public bodies. These resources combine to provide a vector-based 3D description of the French territory and its infrastructure. BDNB facilitates energy consumption analysis and serves as a dynamic resource for informing policy decisions and operational strategies aimed at reducing the carbon footprint of buildings (BDNB, 2022[93]).
Complementing France’s BDNB, Go-Rénove is a public platform that assists in the energy renovation of buildings. Available on two websites – one for individuals and another for property managers – Go-Rénove enriches its services with data and calculations from the BDNB APIs and offers functionalities that help operators optimise their building renovation policies. The Go-Rénove Particuliers service is designed to be the first step in the thermal renovation of homes, offering an initial overview of a home’s performance and potential improvements. Meanwhile, the Go-Rénove Landlords service helps landlords in obtaining a comprehensive view of their building stock and its energy performance, enabling them to target specific buildings of interest and consult detailed information sheets on their characteristics.
In Japan, the PLATEAU initiative embodies a comprehensive approach to developing urban digital twins, uniting local governments, private firms, researchers, engineers, and creators in a collaborative effort focused on urban management and sustainable town development. As a platform, PLATEAU integrates BIM models and 3D city models generated from 2D map data, to visualise cities’ potential to meet future demands. By promoting open innovation and making data accessible to all, it encourages knowledge sharing and the launch of new initiatives, fostering community development through digital transformation (Japanese Ministry of Land Infrastructure Transport and Tourism, 2020[94]).
These examples from Finland, Belgium (Flanders), France and Japan illustrate a global trend toward leveraging digital platforms to facilitate building decarbonisation and enhance the construction sector’s responsiveness to environmental challenges. The platforms are not just repositories of data; rather they are dynamic ecosystems that significantly influence the construction industry’s approach to achieving a sustainable, energy-efficient future. Through diverse strategies, these countries illustrate the transformative power of digital integration in the construction sector.
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