It is the responsibility of all laboratory staff to ensure that the correct workflow is followed and appropriate training should be given to the personnel regarding the necessary precautions to minimise contamination and cross-contamination, e.g., training on the use of aerosol-free/aerosol filter pipet tips when working with PCR assays.
Measures should be taken to ensure adequate separation of different biological agents and studies taking place in the same physical environment (OECD, 2004[1]). The integrity of each test system and study should be protected by spatial or temporal separation from other studies and test systems to avoid potential cross-contamination and mix-up. The flow of materials, staff and waste can be an important factor in controlling these issues and Figure 3.1 gives an illustration of how this may be applied.
Tissues and cells from different studies can be kept in the same incubator provided that they have the same incubation temperature requirements, are labelled appropriately, are spatially separated and none of the test items or solvents used are volatile enough to cause contamination. Tissues and cells from different species or in vitro methods where yeast and bacteria are used require a higher level of separation. The most important issue here is to separate the areas used for cell culture/tissue and microbiological culture and that adequate care (e.g., use separate protective clothing) is taken not to carry over contamination from one area to the other, which would ideally be described in a SOP. Other degrees of separation may be achieved using the specific requirements described elsewhere for quarantine of untested material.
Temporal separation of test systems is possible in biological safety cabinets by handling only one test system at a time. Before introducing a new test system the cabinet working surfaces and related equipment should be cleaned and decontaminated, for example by cleaning with 0.5% solution of hypochlorite (approx. 5000 ppm free chlorine) followed by 70% isopropyl alcohol and then wiping with sterile wipes. The cabinet may then be exposed to UV light, if appropriate.
Rooms and areas used for preparation and mixing of test and reference items with vehicles should allow for aseptic working conditions in order to minimise the risk of microbial contamination of the test system.
When performing molecular biology techniques and especially PCR-based assays, which are high sensitivity methods, extreme care should be taken in facility design (Section 3.1) and operation. False-positive results can originate, for example, from sample-to-sample contamination from carry-over of nucleic acid from previous amplification of the same or similar target. Cloned DNA or virus-infected cell cultures may represent other source of contamination4.
A major source of PCR contamination is aerosolised PCR products (Scherczinger et al., 1999[5]). Once these aerosols are created, being small, they travel and easily spread all over benches and equipment, where they can find their way into a PCR reaction and become amplified. Laboratories exclusively performing real-time PCR and properly discarding all amplified products without opening the reaction tubes or using sealed plates are less liable to contamination and could therefore be dispensed from the follow-up measures.
A no template control and a reverse transcription negative control should always be included in the PCR reaction test runs to exclude contaminations in reagents, in the work environment etc. When performing real time PCR, the use of dUTP in place of dTTP in the dNTP mix is recommended, in this way, all amplicons generated will have dUTP incorporated in them. In the future, if that amplicon becomes the source of contamination, using the enzyme Uracil-DNA-glycosylase prior to PCR specifically targets dUTP-containing DNA, resulting in excision of uracil, and prevents PCR contamination by a previous amplicon. The excision of uracil prevents the amplicon amplification by creating abasic sites in the amplicons. The abasic sites do not serve as good DNA templates for Taq polymerase. Therefore, the contaminated amplicons are prevented from being amplified further (Nolan et al., 2013[6]; Taylor et al., 2010[7]).
It is recommended to colour code racks, pipettes and laboratory coats in the different areas so to be able to easily monitor their movement between the different areas. Powder-free gloves should be used throughout the process in all the different areas as the powder on powdered gloves might affect the assay outcome/performance. It is particularly important to always use powder-free gloves in the pre-PCR area, as the pre-PCR area is prone to contamination by RNases.
The reagent preparation clean room should be free from any biological material such as DNA/RNA, cloned material, etc. Primers and reagents aliquoting is recommended to minimise contamination consequences. To ensure clean areas are kept free of amplicon at all times, there should be no movement from the dirty area to the clean area. If under extreme circumstances a consumable or reagent needs to be moved back it must be thoroughly decontaminated with bleach and ethanol. Returned racks should be soaked in a 0.05% solution of hypochlorite overnight before soaking in distilled water and placing in the clean area. To ensure minimal movement between areas during the running of molecular assays, it is optimal to have dedicated storage (freezer, fridge and room temperature) for each area. Room air pressure should be positive.
In the nucleic acid extraction room/area samples are processed, reverse transcriptase step of RT-PCR are performed and DNA or cDNA, and positive controls are added to the PCR reaction mix (prepared in the reagent preparation clean room).
Post-PCR manipulations such as agarose gel electrophoresis are performed in the Product analysis room/area. It is thus a contaminated area and therefore no reagents, equipment, pipettes, coats, etc. used in this room should be used in any other PCR areas. Bench areas should be wiped daily with hypochlorite solution following use and contaminated areas should be additionally decontaminated with ultra-violet radiation if available. Hypochlorite solutions containing more than 500 ppm available chlorine are corrosive to some metals and alloys and should not be applied to stainless steel (types 304/347, 316 and 400 series) as it may lead to corrosion with repeated use. It is recommended for personnel working with post-PCR assay stages not to work with pre-PCR parts later the same day. Monitoring of viable and non-viable particles of critical equipment surfaces and air flow within these areas/rooms may also be beneficial in controlling contamination.