43. For Argentina, future rulings are any tax rulings within scope that are issued on or after 1 April 2016.
44. In the prior year peer review report, it was determined that AFIP’s process for identifying the rulings and potential exchange jurisdictions was sufficient to meet the minimum standard. This process was that the Deputy General Direction for Technical and Legal Tax Matters (which is responsible for issuing rulings) would alert the Directorate for International Affairs in case a relevant tax ruling is issued. The Directorate for International Affairs would analyse the ruling to verify whether the ruling is within the scope of the transparency framework, and also consult the public repository of rulings on a quarterly basis to double check that all relevant rulings have been identified. Information on potential exchange jurisdictions would be identified from information from the ruling itself or where this was not sufficient, by AFIP exercising its discretionary powers to request additional information from the taxpayer.
45. During the information gathering process for future rulings for the year in review, there was a delay in the identification process of one future ruling. The application for the future ruling issued occurred prior to the publication of Action 5 Report and the ruling was issued in February 2017 and published in October 2017. While checking the public repository of anonymised consultations by the end of November 2017, it was noted that this consultation had been issued and that it potentially fell within the scope of the transparency framework. In late 2017, measures were taken to obtain the details of the full technical report in order to determine if this ruling was subject to exchange and whether there were legal instruments which allow spontaneous exchange of information for the period referred in the ruling in force with the relevant jurisdictions. As a result of the analysis of the ruling, Argentina confirmed that the future ruling was within the scope of the transparency framework, and the relevant exchange was made. Argentina notes it is a temporary circumstance related to the issuance of the particular future ruling.
46. AFIP is working on modifications to its internal regulations to expressly contemplate the process currently in place and to require the taxpayer to provide the relevant information when submitting an application for a ruling which could potentially fall within the scope of the transparency framework, as well as to have a clearer process on the steps taken to identify those tax rulings. Argentina expects to have these modifications in force by the end of 2018.