What is the corruption profile and local business climate of the country in which the buyer is registered?
Does the buyer rely on the use of agents or other intermediaries or third parties? If so, what is known of their integrity profiles?
Do you have a clear indication of the ultimate beneficial owner(s) of the buyer?
Is there a presence of politically-exposed persons (PEPs)? If so, why and are there any indications of conflicts of interest or misuse of position? Are you comfortable with their sources of wealth?
What is the reputation of the buyer, including perceptions of its business conduct?
What is the ownership structure of the buyer? For example, shell companies and companies registered in jurisdictions with strong secrecy laws may pose additional risks.
Has the buyer been implicated in any instances of corruption (allegations, arrests, indictments) or been blacklisted by a government agency (in any jurisdiction)?
Is the buyer listed on the debarment lists of international financial institutions?
Has the buyer been involved in any litigation, whether civil, criminal or regulatory?
Are any gifts or entertainment being offered?
Are any political or charitable contributions being requested?
What is the nature of any relationships the buyer may have with public officials?
Have SOEs in other jurisdictions terminated their relationship with the buyer or banned the buyer from future commodity sales? If so, what were the reasons?
Does the buyer have internal controls in place to prevent corruption in its business dealings?
Does the buyer fully understand any relevant anti-corruption policy (set out in national legislation or SOEs anti-corruption guidelines)?
How to Select Buyers of Oil, Gas and Minerals
Guidance for State-Owned Enterprises
OECD Development Policy Tools