Integrating Environmental and Climate Action into Development Co-operation was prepared under the overall leadership of Jorge Moreira da Silva, Director of the OECD Development Co-operation Directorate (DCD). Haje Schütte, Head of the Financing for Sustainable Development Division, DCD, provided strategic guidance. Jens Sedemund is the Environment and Climate Team Lead and managing editor of the report.
The report and the profiles were managed and produced by Alberto Agnelli and a core team comprising Dominique Blaquier, Maxime Chabriel, Ola Göransson and Piera Tortora.
Special thanks go to the numerous contributors from the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) and the DAC Network on Environment and Development Co-operation (ENVIRONET), in particular all those who contributed to completing the questionnaires to provide the information needed for this report.
A Taskforce of ten DAC Members developed the scope and format of this report. Particular acknowledgement goes to the Members of this Taskforce charged with the mandate to develop a reporting framework for this exercise. Members of the Taskforce include: Racheline Jackson (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia); Pierre-Luc Sandon (Global Affairs Canada); Laure Serra (French Delegation to the OECD); Karima Oustadi (Ministry for Ecological Transition, Italy); Akane Nozawa (Japanese Delegation to the OECD); Juho Shin (Korean Delegation to the OECD); Monica Colomer (Spanish Delegation to the OECD); Ulrika Åkesson and Hanna Wolf (Swedish International Development Agency); Anna French, Samuel Leigh and Juliet Meere (United Kingdom Delegation to the OECD); Darren Enterline, Tim Hurley and Andie Vaughn (United States Agency for International Development).
Sara Casadevall Bellés and Natalie Corry prepared the report for publication, under the overall supervision of Henri-Bernard Solignac-Lecomte. The report was proofread by Julie Harris and the cover page designed by Stephanie Coic. Thanks also go to Jessica Voorhees and Meria Greco for communications support. The team would finally like to thank all DCD colleagues who provided feedback, comments, and technical support, especially Juan Casado Asensio, Gianni Contestabile, Kerri Elgar, Giorgio Gualberti, Takayoshi Kato, Rachel Morris, Samantha Proteau, Aline Renert-Djian, Erin Renner Cordell, Françoise Villard, and Sandie Xu.