For implementation of a Belgian climate and environment policy in development co-operation, it is vital that the integration of climate and environment into the programmes and projects of Belgian actors is also reflected in the result frameworks submitted. To this end, within the broader results framework a link is made to the SDGs. Efforts will continue to be made to identify and develop the most relevant result indicators for climate.
The results frameworks of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), Least Developed Countries Fund and Green Climate Fund (all supported by Belgian Development Co-operation) contain a number of specific indicators for climate actions which, where relevant, can also be used to monitor the programmes of Belgian actors.
Some examples include:
For mitigation: Tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent avoided or reduced; greenhouse gases removed by sinks; number of households and individuals (disaggregated for gender) with improved access to low-carbon energy sources; megawatts of installed capacity of renewable energy (new or rehabilitated); hectares of land or forests under improved protection and management if this leads to reduced greenhouse gas emissions and improved carbon storage; and with respect for social and environmental standards, number of legislative measures that have been adapted or introduced to facilitate or encourage mitigation.
For adaptation: Number of direct and indirect beneficiaries (percentage in relation to total population) of adaptation measures; number of physical assets that have been built or modified to increase their resilience to climate variability and climate change; value of the investments in these physical assets; number of people with access to improved services for climate information, or early warning systems for climate-related disasters; and regulatory measures taken to handle new requirements more effectively, due to new and future climate conditions.