The Latin American Economic Outlook 2020 focuses on the role of the digital transformation as a tool that can help foster development in the region, particularly in the context of the current Covid-19 crisis, and emphasises that international partnerships are essential to reaping the benefits of the transformation. This report also presents current macro-structural challenges and policies, in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, and urges for further action to be taken, at both national and international levels.
Digital technologies can contribute to improving productivity, help tackle climate change, foster inclusiveness and transform public institutions. However, this can only happen if all citizens and firms are able to benefit from a digital transformation driven by a human-centric approach. The agenda is ambitious and requires the implementation of a comprehensive approach aligning national development strategies with digital agendas. More than ever international co-operation is needed to reach the full potential of digital transformation in the region.
The Covid-19 pandemic is affecting digital transformation differently across countries, with unprecedented socio-economic consequences in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), accentuating an already complex scenario characterised by structural development traps. The region entered the Covid-19 crisis with a majority of countries presenting low potential growth, limited fiscal space and social discontent, driven by higher demands for better public services and overall standards of well-being. The report highlights the potential of digital transformation to address these challenges in LAC, as well as to support a sustainable recovery of the region from the current crisis.