This report was developed by the OECD Environment Directorate, directed by Jo Tyndall. The report was authored by Edward Perry, Biodiversity Policy Analyst in the Climate, Biodiversity and Water Division (CBW), under the guidance of Walid Oueslati, Head of CBW Division and Katia Karousakis, Biodiversity Programme Lead, CBW.
The author is grateful for the substantive inputs provided by Coline Pouille (OECD Environment Directorate), and the comments received from the following colleagues: Geraldine Ang, Andrew Brown, Joseph Cordonnier, Jane Ellis, Katia Karousakis, Sophie Lavaud, Virginie Marchal, Hugh Miller, Mariana Mirabile, Daniel Nachtigall, Mikaela Rambali, Marcia Rocha, Klas Wetterberg (Environment Directorate), Juan Garin, Benjamin Michel (Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs), Dominique Blaquier, Juan Casado Asensio (Development Co-operation Directorate), Robert Addison (Directorate for Public Governance) and Jinsun Lim (International Energy Agency). The author is also grateful for the guidance provided by external experts Leon Bennun (The Biodiversity Consultancy), Robert Adamczyk (EBRD) and Samir Whittaker (Ørsted).
The Secretariat thanks delegates from the OECD Working Party on Biodiversity, Water and Ecosystems for their comments on earlier drafts and the oversight provided by the Environment Policy Committee. The Secretariat is also grateful to the countries that completed a project questionnaire: Bulgaria, Brazil, Colombia, France, Latvia, Norway, Peru and the United States.